Show SPANISH FQRIS HWUSTRlfS I A Few Brief Items of InformiUonRoearJing Soma cf Them < I THE CONSOLIDATED 1MPLKMENT CO i One of the uics pS illly growing I > business houses nt this c y Is the Spanish Span-ish Fork branch of tho Salt Luke touse ot tho Consolidated Implement Co fate establishment Is tho homlquartors of the companys machinery business In UUh county and IH I under tho management of Mr Nuphl Haueon The brunch at this place waa cetabi liahrd Jan 1 1602 by the purchase of the property at the corner of Main and Center streets from Messrs Iloliertp Brnckbsnk E Oardnor Mr J IL Cliuper was the first representative of the house at this place and on May 1st t 1211 was succeeded Mr H iuon I tlut present manager Kr > r bnlldligM i and othor improvements have been added from year to year to accommodate their growing nps the latest being a new Rrnnery VII jh will rnnbli them to par tlulpntfl lu tho grain trun The crew tiers of another huhllng tt 111 be began snarl Mr HIIIKOII U I taking large quantltloHof crnin this fall In exchange or farm macliiinryot all kinds being now prepared to hnnllA it THE PEOPLES HEAT MARKET II A Sinning Is tha proprietor of the Peopled Meat Market a Main street business hmisu with a flourishing trade although only established a little over a month Mr Sterling embarked in busIness bus-Iness in his present location on Ani 3 1895 Ho carries a full line of meats and also has a nlco stock of vegetables fits bologna siupngea retailed b > him mire of home manufacture THE COOP SHOE FACTORY Moat ot tho third story of the Spanish Fork Csopo large brick building is occupied by the Goop Slice Factory Mr r Holding manager Tuiirftre tory wee established about 22 yearn < iuce and Mr holding has been in tho enipjy of the company for nearly that length of I time At its commencement of operations the factory employed fight hands audIts aud-Its product was only about 5000 worth per year Since then by thin addition of new and Improved machinery the value ot the output has more than doubled elplit hands l last year turning out a product pro-duct valued at 11000 Last years payroll pay-roll wits 3500 Nothing but the bent quality ot mater hils used In the manufacture of HuM boots and allot and their product In h I general line IB of a uniformly higher grade than any other in I the Territory Moat ot the fpctoryA product Is tnkan by the different co operative Institutions in the county though a number of the local dealers are also supplied Mr Holding Informed the HERALD man that it considerable amount of capital could ho proUtllll Invent In extending the business of the Uotory |