Show Primary Conference Meeting The Conference ot the Primary Asie clutioc8 ot tile south end of Utnh county mat In the pivllllon at 10 oclock a m Saturday Aug 31 Mrs Cornelia Clayton of Provo pre ltlJ The morn lni ses lon was lUvnted to hearing n ports from time local societies nnd in giving instrnctlons te nfllcers ontynitne soi > letle = i wero rCHI > ant fd all ot which wero reported in c flourishing flour-ishing condllloii In Spanish Fork there are tOO children enrolled in six societies TneB primary aaociatlons nre formed entirely ot cu Idran offlcorod end threat ed of cnrse by grown paopk mid for the purpoio ot studying tho scrlpturea and of encouraging habits of truth and virtue Children of nil denominations are enrolled end B cordial invitation Is I extended to all llttlo folks to unite with it A bountiful repast was served at noon to tho visiting OU1I1WI and friemin At oclock p in tho meeting wa ugalu uilltil to order and the following program was well Carrie I out Openlns Address by Annie Ferguson of Luko CUoru 2A song by a group of little girls from North Branch Recitation by Jcnnlo Gardner First ward 4lJook of Mormon lecture by three boys of the Fourth ward Arthur Nelson Joseph Olson and kenning Chrlstlanson 5SonK entitled that was 1 witnessed In Ibo Heaven br two Email boys from KKorsldo 8 = Tho Rain uow by a group of small slrls from tho Third ward 7Song entitled1 Trust the Children by a number of boy and girls from the Second ward Dialogue entitled What boys have done by four rmall boys from North Branch IIong A Hymn by a group of bmall girls from the Fourth ward 1 10 Dialogue by Ezra Itobertion and Prank Simmons of Lake Shore Testament ixerclsc by u group of boys from the First ward 12 Quratloni and answers by a group of small girls from Klrergldo 13Dollg Among the visitors present weN Mrs Cornelia H Clayton President ot the Primary alBa lllIllIn > l nf Blah cnnniv und J her councillor Mrs Eliza Tuj lor l mind Hi 1 lrbaia Silk bud Mice Mil Cheocr i ttfku Secretary and the presidents presi-dents of tuj local aociuiis The meeting meet-ing was In every way LIghly turcoiaful |