Show WONT SPEAK IN KENTUCKY d Blands Engagements Canceled on Account of the Platform St Louis Sept 2Hon H P Bland came to this city Sunday night and vlll remain until Tuesday evening Its It-s understood that the main purpose of his coming to St Louis is to meet and comer with Governor Stone relative tone to-ne treesliVer campaign to be inaugurated Inaugu-rated in julbsouii in accordance with tile general plan auopted by thu recent guuieiing 01 JJemociuUa leaders at tVulmiilngwfl in un interview the exCongressman said ille situation Is clearing up lup idly and though the friends of silver nave hard tIghts ahead m borne localities locali-ties theiu is nothing appreheiiblve in me situation in Missouri No 1 shall not go to Kentucky Mr Bland tephed to a question l had In teiiled to visit that State and stay tneiu about a month but the platform auopted by the Louisville convention was bo ut vailancu with Democratic roinugu pilnclples In its Indorbement of Cleveland and Cai lisle that 1 concluded that it would be best to cancel my engagements en-gagements there |