Show RIPANS u w The modern standard stand-ard Family Medicine Cl Medi-cine Cures the 01 common everyday ills of humanity w Z O I i FRAGRANT VANITY FAIR CIGARETTES M WIE vr TilE FIN T VIP INIAt1 l1RKI5f ToDACCQ o TttE HIGHEST MILLED WORKMEN EMPL VED w MAKING ThEE CIGARETTES W a j WH5KIMBALLCP 1 TfTe Americn Tobacco p 5ucceo For G A R Encampment atLouijvillo Kentucky Sept 11 to 13 the Union Pacific will make a rate of 13 for the round trip from Spanish Fork Ticket on sale sppt C7 and 8 and will be limited lim-ited for continuous jmsenRO In each 11 rrutlon and will not bs rood for reinru prior to SKpt t Hi final return limit Oct 01895 Cl blunt t lallii We otter no apology In placing before you THE LADIES SAFJB rnoTncroii It Is ab o lutcly reliable easily adjusted don not become be-come I mlsploccd and Insures protection Can bo worn when desired without observation or knonldge of another and prevents disagreeable arnovancn under certain conditions If you use It once you will never bo without It Isa faithful safet and relUble friend whenever I needed by special circumstances requiring Its usa It Is an article every woman should keep ready jor Immediate use It Is simple to use I and Inspires confidence in the woman using It It Is reliable and scientifically made Insure 1 protection without Injury to health as any Rood physician would say Wo are of tho opinion opin-ion that no arttUo has ever been made which will give as much satisfaction to the women of today as TilE IADIKS SAFB rnoTEorori The Immense Hales of this article Is a substantial I substan-tial Indorsement ot our claim Do not therefore there-fore experiment with any of the numerous unreliable un-reliable articles as It Is both dangerous to the health pnd expensive to do so Such expert minting can only result In loss of time disap pointment and dlamtil faMuro Indies should remember this before ordering other goods and i not waste their time and money on Inferior articles Tho bes Is alwaYs cheapest TriK I SAFE PUOTrrron Is sold under a positive guarantee for use for one year with full dlrco tlons and Is sent sealed In plain wrapper upon receipt of express money order for 12 00 three for 5 Do not wait but order at once Address The La Cross Specialty Co Tn Crossc Wii Summons Utah Territory Utah county l I Spanish Fork City r I In the Justice Court Spanish Fork City before be-fore John f Jones I David L Malcolm nnd Win n Hughes partners part-ners and doing business under the namo and stylo of Malaolm c Hughes Plaintiffs vs George H Dabcoek Defendant To George II Daboock Greeting You are hereby summoned to be and appear before mo tho undersigned at my ofilce In Span ish Fork CHv Utah County Utah Territory tu answer a complaint against you Bled herein by said plaintiff within five days If this summons Is served on you within Spanish Fork City within ten days It served on you outside of said Spanish Iork City but within the County of Utah and within twentyfive days If sorted elsewhero Cald action is brought to recover I from you the sum of f02 50 tho said Mim being a b lnnco due un nn account for goods sold and dclltcrid your Instance and request at Cpun luh Fork CIty Utah Concty And you are here by notified ihiit If you fail to so appear and answer as above required plalntld will take judgment against you for Ins sum of tWW and interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum and costs of Bull Glvou under my hand this Sflth day of August A D 1805 JOHN P JONES I Justice of the Peace Wm B Hughes Attorney I H EIBEI Course by Mail t D K MBlbfti with the g I CAPITAL CITY I < COMMERCIAL COLLIDE ft I 2 Advertise Our College l H Wo will give a thorough course of In W I Htructlon In double and single entry I boolikcepinK and commercial Arlth i I motto by mall Fin el flhirss to a limited I limit-ed number or persons This course i j j will be completed In 40 lesions No ft charge for diplomas Address f CAPITAL POMMfinCIAL ITT OLLGE P O Drawer B Topeka > Kan fE 1n I c < > OO < > < > o o rooooo W btsters Jrmrtc1r1i1l2tiionall I JDhon ary Tavaltablo in Once ffcliool and Homo New from Cover to Cocr Suecttiorofthi Inabriiliied Standard the U B GOY ITlnt lug Offlce the US Eupreme Court and 1t nearly all tha bchoolbooki Warmly com rncndod ly Otata c 1 Buperlnteudenti i of Behooli and other Educator al < meet without uua < bar I THE BCOT FOR EVErtYDODY I BCCAUIt 1 > It U I coy to find the word Wanted Werd arlrniitlrcorrfct alpbobetJtal lpflMi In tin rcnliulcrj vh gr A 1jMW iW ono IxsAanlnt a ruti M la Ie l iHUlljr CttUtLt If lt MPAl It Is euy to ifortcln the pronunciation Iha rI prcnnncUtlon II Iniilotfil brtni ordlnntr rtbrrltluU II i1iI uj Jhlt onunnry lGti1 ciirlnl Itttiri ud In the choof bocinihcn cLooll summon urn taught tn till pubUo I It II l easy to trice the growth of a word i Ttiotrmologlei the ronipettrnd k lenttflo sad dlfarenl uiMatnci n vrnni IIM I aOQul ncuulraduo ittrcn la Ibo otter of ltcr ua IJrtn UitlrtronUiramUjgroel Idea the reel j It U I etay to 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Surgeon I ALL AXIUAL9 LIFT C < ut CABS WILL as OXUfT TSHDKP TO Be ward WboflS Manager I I THE Denver Rio Grande I Railway Scenic Line of the World f I The only lino miming two tliroagt u fat Trains dilly i LEADY1LLE A3PRN PUUDLO i COLORADO 8PKINQS and D3NVliR Trntn No 2 laaras Ojrtea 700 a tn SnIt Lake I 805 1 m CVA t n 11 018 a m n Colorado Spriags u 7il R c Donfpr 1030 a ra Train No4 learea Ogden C35 p m Suit Liko 740 p rn arrlro at Paoh > C27 p ru1 Colorado Springs 603 l p I tu Driver 025 p in Conucctiona undo at Paobb Color fiprlugs anil Dearer with all lints ml Klunnt DIY Coaches Chair CAM ci 1 ml Pullman Sleepers on ell trains TM > the D R G suit have a comfortable Ul > and eujoy till finest iceuery on the CD Uncut SiiorteAt line to Cripple Greet Cola radod Greatest Gold Camp A 8HUGHES S K HOOPER Tiafflcllgr 0 P J TA Denver Colorado I B NEVIK3 General Agent Salt Lake CUr Utah II U GUSHING T P A Salt Lako City Utah CAVEATSTRAOEMARRs q COPYRIGHTS CAN I OblIH A PATENT TOC WllNM ftonnt minor AC > and an joaert opinion write tg who has i bid awl bus xpflrlcnoi In the Mtenl busies Uotu n8 oauam atmbUy oonddattsi H dbotJ loraMim w them rnneerotn5 Latrni and bow to oh sent tree Also a caWoji t IctJ and lamiiloi bOOb ont tnwr n Pnt nu taken throoih U < un A Co rojcJrd fNoIaI noticalD the 8cIntIflo Dill WaS ccIt are to brought tile Inventor Widely bfOJ This the nUndUl put rlcanMxl > lla W1tboo leased ramr < KMtarouIitlJ5 tirraTtM OmClilatiems ot any identiat work la Ute wtild r1 nv ilnhidbigndltlov 113 BaniP cerise rtrUte IIDddlng edition monthI7pcay tretr mie COpte tJlOa > mCtp tem i livery number cottn bua putw tn colon ted pbotoenphi of bou 9 1 with pliuu vntblli Vutdnr 1 to f tbon B0v l taU buena < u1 croiir oontreMi Id uw riurn 4 CO nsa YOBZ a5l 11I1OAJrIf Addroj I |