Show SPECIAL AFTER A OAHEFUI TEST WE FIND THAT THE GRADE OF THREE CROWN BAKING POWDER WE HAVE BEEN MAKING IS THE BEST THAT CAN BE MADE FOR THE PRICE CHARGED WE HAVE DETERMINED TO MANUFACTURE THE PUREST AND BEST CREAM TARTAR BAKING POWDER THAT CAN BE MADE AND THOUGH THE PRICE WILL BE SLIGHTLY ADVANCED IT WILL HAVE MORE LEAVENING STRENGTH AND WILL BE CHEAPER IN THE END AFTER AUGUST 15 1805 THERE WILL BE A BLUE LABEL ON THE COVER WORDED HEWLETT BROS IMPROVED HIGHGRADE THREE CROWN BAKING POWDER EVERY CAN GUARANTEED TO BE EQUAL TO THE BEST IN THE MARKET OR MONEY 31IFUNDED AND WB ABK YOU TO XINDLY GIVE IT A UWLXTX DaB Xin tUU Lkt City UUi I OAKLEY The choicest closein residence subdl vlslin In Sail Lake City 353 lots sold since April 17th 05 OWHY WHY It Is right In time city only 18 I iiilnutc drive from business I uonlotlilKh I i I ground splendid view iimmndiil by nfco houses wide street Lot IfiO font dooll to alloy 1j C foot wide Now ffi90 to 175 per Lot Only half tliilr prient value 810 ellli 310 per month No hum Lret no taxes until paid for Auuust 1st prleoi Ulll bo ulh timed W E1 HUBBARD 41 VVVsl Second South OnUuy has u iitv mark The Eagle Tobacco Cure Is a Wonderful Thing i T HAS NO RIVAL in its successful Work Road tho TESTIMONIALS of wol known men Works no INJURIES t t JURIES on tho systom but improves your HEALTH TAKE IT and in C DAYS you will bo CURED of the TOBACCO and CIGARETTE HABIT and your days on earth will be lengthenod Send 5 for ono bottle to Eagle Pliartnacy S r Cor Sicond South and Wet Temple Streets Salt Lake City Agents Wanted Everywhere lloforo buying POO that the bottles are sealed with the signature DKAX LEE IMIS Noun genuine without this seal or when seal Is broken E N JENkINS emple of Music Utah Agents lot the bust PUmas and Organs in the market 208 SoutH West Temple POST OFFICE BLOCK ASTONISHING RESULTS From The EAGLE LIQUOR CURE SAFEST MOST SUCCESSFUL AND MOST PliKMANUXr RE311WV VET DISCOVERED Cases heretofore hopeless now cured and brought to umVness of life und happlneis HIvi TIII TESTIMONIAL of a phy slolau OUCH xkcntlcnl I on liquor cures but now a convert to the tng e Itcmidy Hclapses from other cures and vIctim ot the terrible liquor disease should not delay Write for furlhur particulars or call at EAGJJE PHARMACY s B Cor 2d So and W Temple Ste bait Lake City Utah DONT LIMP3 lIIa < 1e to i4 e willie straight WIJ taku plat tor of purls oust of feet to In uru comfort fapeUallats la crippled Hud deft iced shoes I3teel braces and artlHolal r limbs of every dcsorldtlon Hilgert Deformity h Shoe Uo C9 i Third South St S SALT LAKE CITY UTAH E1 DUNSGOMB M1 D University of hew york 1863 SPECIALIST OLENWOOD SlIIISGS COLORADO Practice Ihnltea to CANCKRS TUMORS and GOllltl ItAUlUAL CUmin TniCATJlEST WITHOUT KNIFE OH CAUSTIC Voung Bras Co SALT LAKi CITY UTAH Dealers III UnftrVlP CTIlT SHWINQ MACIIIMS IDOI1ISTIC and 50 lutf Machine suppnai Ilauus urilans all kd Musical Instruments Sheet Muila and Muslo Hooks Instruments and Maibluei sold oil easy pujinouu bend for our lOo lilt of heat music 600U copies BROWNING BROS 3101 l Washington Ave 106 Main > luot OUUhN UTAH SALT bAKE UllY Rambler Hemlngton Wuritlilc ulPVPI CC Tribune and Keathrstono OlUIbLto ana cycle sundries Uum Ammunition iiii lug Uckle leuts 1laylng Cards Etc Illustrated Illus-trated catalouue free Farm I > vvhorelu Utah Mill Farm Loans arm Loans Hawley Mtg co tlLLunilLK muck SHll Lake Reed Hotel oC8H H lJ71toom U elevators olt atria lights Strict ly Urol Clans In all its appointments Makes a t Jrutu to luterinountalii trade Watchmaker Jeweler 5 Optician ALLX > I VYATT S1U Main MreU 1C VON 1UAMT III J V eLl 1 1 S llloycle IF I YOU I WANT I sundries base ball lawn tOil Ills or cricket sup piles KUIII ammunition uo send for our Illustrated Illus-trated catalogue true to all liitul MAO liUUt II Slain it Bull Lake THE PARISHOME LAUNDRY WANTS AGENTS nevery town In Utah to establish brunch an elicit orders AUdre at once ParisHorne Laundry 345 West Temple street Sail Lake Utah TRY THE WALKER HOUSE bait Lake ouii trip 010 h JulIIsboN Proprietor I11N U24 1805 tj Lake |