Show KING ALCOHOLS SLAVE McCABE COULD NOT LIVE WITHOUT WITH-OUT WHISKY Idaho Miner Threatened to Hang Himself Unless Supplied With Whisky Thought It a Bluff Boise Ida Sept 3A peculiar suicide sui-cide story Is reported from Atlanta Robert McCabe an oldtime miner being be-Ing the victim McCabe became ad dieted to the use of liquor to such a degree that he would stop at nothing to get It A short time ago he Informei a number of people at Atlanta that he was going to kill himself unless they supplied him with whisky and provls Ions To emphasize his statement he threw a rope over the limb of a tree and climbing a ladder threatened to jump Into eternity before their very eyes unless his demands were complied with lIe repeated this performance several times and tho crowd as often gave Idol what he wanted after whIch I some one would cut the rope down but McCabe readily secured another for his next performance This method of extortion became tiresome tire-some and It was decided to see what the old man would do It ho were given no whisky They never dreamed he would carry out his threat No attention atten-tion was paid to him when he made his customary demand and declaration on the 28th Whether he deliberately jumped off the ladder or whether he slipped will never be known but a short time1 after It was announced that his ruse would work no longer his body was discovered swinging from the end of a rope McCabe was 58 years of age and Is I said to bo well known in many mining camps In Idaho |