Show The Home Papar When a local paper is not good enough to herald a towns advantages abroad there is something wrong with that town says the Portland Oregonian The newspaper is to a great extent what the community makes it and by reason of its representative capacity the community commun-ity bus a measure of rescoiulblllty toward it The people who will not help mukft a good piper for tbulr own town must not complain if they are held in low esteem by the outside world The home paper properly Enppnited not simply by ndmtUlncr pammaco but In I a hundred ways of kindness and of service serv-ice that costs nothing is always the mat locality medium for advertising Us locality because will bo bright newsy md IIB read by intending settlers and caiiiUllstd a truer Index to tho towns social and business life than any other printed matter could be The editor always spends his income to improve his paper It seems that he cant help It When be hap a few dollars ahetd ho must get the pnper new dress of type or some ullbrus guilty or a mlllllng machine It a Mv hundred ahead no buys a now press and agalu puts hli nose to tho grliuUtoiio to get out 01 debt When ho thinks he sues good times uhond he enlarges his paper and Increases his PlY roll whoa money eatsic rco aealu ha tries to keep a stiff upper lilt taxes weed tpd potatoes on > J raw I Btibjctlplliin vcrkM eighteen boa tI s n div backfllidifl at tho chntdi riofail sat s-at tlio lodge forgets hh friends and perhaps neglects hU 1 family Anyhow I whatever ela 1 be may prove recre t9 1 with hits pipar It always Iiivo bomr amid silteo All tbd alii null cimtorl the town cv 9 to Its paper gees Into it SuboorlptloiiS in ndsnt c blossom hats l bretzy Ircali und qua i ir priRo nd vortlsements bring forth column edl or tai on the new water works and the towns womlerfnS urovVth and enterurlfp To tender Urn paper f eneroim ctippait tH invite capital to withhold Itt < n lath to poverty Tho lire town will have n live papar end if it has anything worthy tir niter lion or thin nnt4l world and wants It told where it will do tho moat good It will put its trust In the homo paper and tlio home paper will do time InitlneH thoroughly there are papery in Idaho Bad Washington which are read xtfiu lively In tao Kist Bud Pave helped III nnny ways to build up thl Pacific north wrhtj t but tt iv are n t prlntd in towns rrone fdv rising f oIls hrvn god o to nutsldrf publications to the neglect ot the home Journal |