Show HandtoIIand Struggle With n 1 Bear lime strength of the hunter was often se Oleiy l tiiAtd not only In the chase piupei hut III encountering fleice iinl mais by the way The near figures largely in hunting tales told around the camplite to a group of Interested listeners lis-teners among vvhonr nits the boy longIng long-Ing for tho time to come wlion like some wellromeinhered hero of the tribe he shall be able to ffiapple single handed with the povveiful Kilxly bear and tear Its fearful Jaws asunder The niece of a noted Nez Ierce Indian hunter now a Very old woman telates that her uncle ppiloimid this feat und her story is well corroborated In the liibe Attacked suddenly by the hug animal the man seized it with one hand by an ear Into which ht thrust his flngeis while with the other hand at the expense of a thumb he tore apait the muscles of the jaws and left the helpless beast to file on the hterp mountainside Hunting Customs of the OmnlmV by Alice O Flctchei in September Century |