Show CURRENT COMMENT us The Rrpnbllcnn Stats ticket otirts oat badly huinllcflpped meets thenp proval of Buffalo WraGlaimann They sy the free allver ajjltiktlori It 1 < nb6ldlnfj Tills in another case where It IB well not to ratify before the returns are all in t < Spanish Fork should purchase n street prlnllrr or petition the wrather clerk for more rain and lean wind for neil canton rite present state of affairs 18 extremely dnntr to any tho least The Republican oonventlnn in turning down Crnnn nnd Thomas refused to en I dnr n turn whose candldnoy had pro i yoked an darly nnd much tou partculur illscuaslnn of their tecorda and mcrltH thence the dark horse Polllleal parties will do reel to remember remem-ber that a yery largo and populnng section sec-tion of Utah lays south of Salt Lake end that a repreivntntiro from that section blr and fliers on the tickets would do much to promote a harmonious feeling a Tno fact that Salt Lake got < < only six of the nine places on tho Republican ticket ia eridunee of the reprehonolblp neglect ou the part of some of her managers mana-gers or else of a case of diluted gall Tiikethjjajb the people will fence it i iiiJijIth C era of a community are all more n ea dependent upon one another in their various ways of gaining A livelihood liveli-hood This fact should bo taken into consideration when needs are to be supplied sup-plied und the local dealer always glen the preference everything else being equal Citizens should remember that there Is no rcaion why a man who Is not sue cczsful the management of hIs own Imslnevi wnull be any JJoro so If in trusted with Hint of a community or of a commonwealth Good business men are cpeclally ncedtd In the administration of local ffiri DonH be baokAnrd abut Rlrln 111h llcitytotliu fact that your own1 torn posBtssse idrantagea In some respects jrnr all others Oh r towns f will lookout look-out for themselves aud onotf IDtere31 t should be In ones own place Blot yaw own bum dont exuect that yonr neighbor neigh-bor will attend to it and Us own also It ii hinted that the leaders of the two great parties in national politics hare decided to ildetrack the timehonortd I Issaei of tariff and sonul money and fliexTyeflrwlil travel towards thVldee of November simply on their records Portions of their records will need careful care-ful repairing and a tat of froth palm before lit trip commences The waterwork qiir lon vrlll come up iu Spanish Folk J before many year and it I might bs well to do a lluln prlrutt tliluklns on the subject pending Us ar rival this city is destined to grow and bccoma great and The priacut tnpply ot warier will atou be found c luodtqnate for other purpose as it in now us a protection pro-tection against tire Dont lots walk In ho tnilitud of the procession ai we have uo sprinkler to lay the duat |