Show a THE BIMETALLIC UNION CHAIRMAN CHAMBERS GETS A FEW CALIFORNIA DOLLARS Merchants Afraid of Their Bankers The Former at Heart for Silver Outlook for the Cause Salt Lake City Utuli September 3 Hon It C Chambers chairman of the exixuilve committee of the Bimetal no Unlun who with exCongressman uurtlne nas been proselyting In the far far Vest returned to the city yes tulday ana Is again directing tile affairs af-fairs of the Ontario and Duty mining companies His return will be followed by tHat of Judge Burllnc next week To a Tribune reporter Mr Chambers said yesterday that he found sentiment In San Francisco very much mixed Tile banker demanding high prices tor the contents of his money chest Is for a single gold standard In the same category cat-egory is the capitalist Both are arrayed ar-rayed against expansion of any Kind both against a money for the masses Mr Chambers also found some of the friends of silver overcome by Intimidation Intimida-tion This was conspicuously betrayed among merchants some of whom had been assigned to places on committees When these committees were convened and the roll called they were found almost uniformly wanting A canvas was made among them Had they changed their minds and were they affiliating af-filiating with the goldbugsV No only In so tar said Chairman Chambers as prudence required Many of them were the victims of what IH characterized by tile banker us accommo accommodations ac-commodations for which the accommodated accommo-dated are required to pay at the rate of 1 and 112 per cent per month for his accommodations Times are hard col ectlons Indifferent trade slow In raiding rai-ding however and the accommoda liig gentleman who sits at the cas tiers ti-ers desk must not be antagonized It might precipitate a chapter of assign lents more appallng than that which ollowed the demonetization of silver So It goes said Chairman Chambers but It can be relied on that these mer hants will be on the side of silver when the drum beats and the hour for Ctlon Is at hand California for these easons will not raise much money for the equipment of the silver army What many Californiansgood friends of blmetallsm too are agitating agita-ting Is a new party In Chairman Chambers opinion this will not do Anew A-new party as he views It would be disaster dis-aster The restoration of silver must come at the hands of one of the old parties who must be prevailed on to provide for it in their platform Montana Idaho Utah and Colorado said Mr Chambers have now contributed contribu-ted to the fund provided for by the executive ex-ecutive committee Wyoming and New Mexico are both delinquent although theru Is no doubt In the chairmans mind that they will be heard from inuis lpr tb lliJlmUu tsae Is lVely 1o A II at his time and says the committee will continue to exert Its energies for he first great battle to be contested at the various State conventions at which delegations will be elected to the National Na-tional conventions The friends of silver sil-ver will be present at these and should they not assemble at the National conventions con-ventions as a majority their strength will be such that It cannot be Ignored Concerning the bonanzas over which he has presided for so many years and while so many millions have poured from their vaults Mr Chambers pronounces pro-nounces both in Improved condition a fact that Is being emphasized by each days output He will leave for Park City this week |