Show SILVER ISSUE DRAMATIZED I A Play that is Destined to Attract Wide Attention Chicago Sept 1iobably the most novel stage production ever witnessed In Chicago was given last night before I a largo audience at the Chicago opera house It was a dramatization of the silver Issue In politics and Judging by the lemurkable circumstances attending attend-ing the III at public performance the piece may not unlikely attract wlde upiead attention The Sliver Lining Is the name of the play rile theme was suggested by Coins Financial School and W 11 Harvey Coin occupied a pioscenlum box hissing of Eomu of the lines early I In the piece presumably by amisilver sympathizers caused no little excitement excite-ment which was increased when aLlot the second act It was evident the piece I had made a hit j The author Fitzgerald Murphy a wellknown Boston newspaper man beIng be-Ing called before the curtain suddenly turned to Harvey and asked him to Bay whether the play faithfully presented the spirit of Coins School The audi J enee was on tiptoe at the unusual Inci dent and when Harvey arising In his place among the spectators said It dopf most magnificently there was great cheering mingled with hisses During the excitement Miss Frances Drake the San Francisco actress who takes tho leading feminine part had ownarrow escape from serious Injury ur horse becoming restive backed against the scenery a portion of which fell with a crash Miss Drake lost her Ijnlrtnce and the horse plunging and rambling started to bolt She had half fallen from the saddle when grasping one of the wings she managed tllltUdY herself and tide tho fright 11cU animal off the stage 4 hl play Itself proved unexpectedly stmn In dramatic Interest It was jrlojily mounted by Manager T W Ml ner the play being his first personal jrgjUure though he has long been as IfocJated with the management of John JII learns Heart of Oak and the the jtlrjcal undertakings of his father Con grfesman Miner of New York j llie author denied before the curtain Jthdt the play was being backed by the sjlvpr Interests From Chicago It goes tojftlllwaukee and then on ni extensive UotQ of the West and South ft I company Is a particularly com Jo 1 ff one most of the members being I d from the Frohman and other mown companies A feature uf the SaniiK Is tile excellent work of William Courtlelgh as the hero John Jcffer sonV said to represent exConcresman Wffcri of Nebraska |