Show Tho Thlrtcon Superstition It is I said this strange Buparititlon extends away back to the Limo of King Arthur When the good British kinrj founded tho famous Round Table he requested Merlin the enchanter to fir raiijre the scats Merlin arranged one cot to represent tho apostles twelve worn for tho faithful adherents of Jeeps Christ and the thirteenth for the traitor Judas Tho first were never = occupied Bare by tho l knights distinguished for I their achievements and when a death I I occurred among them the scat remained i vacant until a knight surpassing him In heroic and warliko attainment mould be considered worthy to fill the Ilace i i If an unworthy knight hou hiS hi-S he vacant chaIr ho was repelled by fame magic power The thirteenth at was never occupied but CECO 1h ory goes that a haughty and insolent v uracen knight sat down upon it and S m immediately swallowed up by tho iarth Ever after it was known 01 tho k perilous seat and brays os the oele rated knights of tho Round Table are Lid to have boon not ono ovar had the S taro to nit on tho thirteenth uhaiv I |