Show CUT RATES TO THE ORIENT 0 R N Company Now Competing for Passenger Business San Francisco July 8F F Connor Con-nor general agent of the Oregon Hal way Navigation Company In this city Is In receipt of 1 circular letter from W I Hurlburt general passenger passen-ger agent of the company at Portland In which Mr Hurlburt announce that the companys new line of steamers to the Orient will hereafter compete for passenger business as well as freight traffic The passenger rates quoted are considerably less than those now charged by the Pacific Mall Occldenlal Oriental and Canadian Pacific sand s-and the effect of this new competition will be awaited with Interest The Ore Railway Navigation Company gon Halway Navigaton COIJJny I ban entered Into direct competition I with tho lines running out of this port and has cut the cabin rates to Yokohama Yokoha-ma to S5 and to Hongkong to 00 |