Show u HOI < E AT A BARBECUE BRASS BANDS WATERMELONS AND SOUND 3ION15Y A Proo Coiraga Congressman Torccd tho Secretary to Explain How He Cniuo to Plop Cordeie On July 27 Secretary or time Inteilor liaku Smith today con dialed Ills lirlct tour of time State In tho Interest of sound money by ad dressing 1 crowd of several thousand people gathered here from nil lthere ni over southern Georgia Extraordinary prep arations haL been made by the commit tees of the Cordeie Sound Money League A monster barbecue and several sev-eral hundred watermelona were provided provid-ed to feed the multitude Time sneaking took place In the open air Secretary Smith received an ovation ova-tion us he lOSt to speak The crowd cheered him loud and long lie was 101l le IIS frequently Interiupted by applause dur ing his two hours speech which was substantially the same an those he de livered at Gainesville and Columbus The Secretarys teceptlori here has been I notably cordial one A brass band and I committee of prominent citizens mot him at the depot and cheers greeted greet-ed inn appearance everywhere Congressman Livingstone came In last night and announced his intention to tipedic at tie conclusion of the Sec retarys nddiess in response to an Invitation In-vitation extended by the Oordele Free Silver League lung after the Sound Money League lint arranged todays demonstration In behalf of the Secretary Secre-tary of the Interior Thieve Is much In dignation at this effort of the free silver sil-ver meh to Intrude upon an occasion arranged for the States representative In the Cabinet the Congressmans acton ac-ton being construed effrontery Colonel Col-onel Livingstone sat unnoticed under I tree while Secretary Smith spoke congressman Livingstone had copies of Secretary Smiths 1890 letter on fee coinage circulated among the crowd amuIE which loudly cheered the Secretarys remarks concerning It I am somewhat amused ho said that some friend has distributed I circular among you containing a letter that I wrote in 1S > 90 refcnlng to the free coinage of silver Ishould not be candid with you If I did not nay 1 had been asked In lUO whether I favored the free coinage of sliver that I would have answered yes Secretary Smith then went Into a discussion of the conditions under which silver was coined In JS9U and the different conditions now which had brought about I change In opinion The Secretary refuted the Idea that the low prices now prevailing were caused by the act of 1S73 The Secretary then went Into President Clevelands record and was enthuslactlcally cheered During the Secretarys address a man who stood near Colonel Living Hon several times Interrupted Mr Smith Congressman with questions suggested by the um |