Show sWedrfEE SILVER AND HROECriTON Position Taken hy the Kansas Silver t < Repuolicans TbpeUa Ian July 20The execu I tlvc cJmmlttee of the Kansas llepub llcan Silver League met here today and Issued a 2500word address to Kansas Kan-sas Republicans In which the financial issue Is stated thus Shall we have bimetallism l bi-metallism by restoring sliver as standard stand-ard money with gold to the position I occupied iwhen demonetized by Congress Con-gress l187a1 Or shall monometallism ur tneBingle gold standard be maintained main-tained und peipetuaied in this countiy Verus rttimuheuns says toe ud dres3jruivor me toriner pusitlun und oppose tne latter Jn our judgment mu American system ot protection une of thepTain tenets uf the Uepuuntun patty pat-ty lij J1 hiipinet leu uie und cuiinut be aus luuiedjiin toe absence of iJiinetullisin UolU jmonoinetuillsin amid leo naue Fmustfgo i 5 together |