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Show SALT LAKERS HARD LUCK. Shipwrecked, Drowned, Then Eaten by Hie Companions. It ii now an established fact, suys the Salt Hake Tribune of July 28, that Ham Masterson, a former saloonkeeper of Zion, after being shipwrecked and drowned in liering sea m April, 1894, was buried after reaching shore und then taken from hi grave and euieu by the survivors. When Masterson shipped on the vessel, he Jumped from the fryIlls idea was ing pan intoto the lire. rid himself of his disupposedly wife. vorced that Mus-tersIt was in the fall of 1893 und his wlte had some trouble in this city, Mustersun, it is alleged, battered his better half over the beau with u beer bottle, and as a grand ilnale, threw her out of the house. Khe retaliated by bringing a suit for divorce, which went by default, und in time the marital bonds were severed by the judicial snickersnee. After regaining her freedom, however, Mrs. Mosterson apparently didnt know what to do with it, and she set heroically to work to win bock Master-son- 's love. This attempt upon her purt was to a certain extent a failure, although she and Mastersonto were often the grantBeen together subsequent ing of the divorce. Masterson went to in December, 1893, Ban Francisco, presumably fur the purdivorced pose of getting rid of hisMrs. n wire, but in February. 1894, was underfollowed him, and it stood that they again resumed their former relations. On April 13, 1894, Masterson aga!.i gave his wife the slip by shlppicg troma Hun Francisco on the James Alien," the veswhaling vessel. On May 11thsea. 'ltd sel was wrecked la Bering number crew escaped la boats, but a others--were of them Maaiersuu among washed overboard. Masterson was rescued but died before reaching Shore. He waa buried upon a barren teach, but a few days later, the survivors driven to desperation by the pangs of hunger, exhumed the body Ill-fat- ed on Mas-tersu- and ate It. The news of her former husband a Is said to have completely tragic fate Mrs. Masterson, and it Is prostrated not known by her friends In this city whether or not she is still alive. The last time that Masterson was lake pubprominently before the Balt Prlndle atlic was In 1893, when Annls his anatomy with tempted to perforate a revolver In a house on Commercial street. In confirmation of the story. The Tribune received the following telegram yesterday from A J. Johnson, formerly of this city, now of Ban Fran-ciscos cessful nun of affairs fully understands. When it can be recognized, there is nothing more Interesting than watching the actual consultation of a business man with the promptings of his own soul's equations Such power of consultation is not possessed by all, and Invisible with many of those who have It. I remember' hearing s young business man describe such a rare revelation in an Interview with an older business friend known as the keenest financier. The proposition which the young man had to present was reasonable, seemingly sure of success and he himself believed in It enthusiastically. "I laid it before the old fellow, he said, "one by one meeting and explainhe raised, lie ing the vexed points ceased questioning me finally because the putent value of the proposition seemed proved so far as words go. Ha nodded affirmation as each heading wal checked off. I felt emboldened to ask, What do you think of It, slrf And then I saw a curious sight. The old fellow sat motionless, looking away Into space, his blue eyes growing Innocent and far away as a child's who Is listening for a distant and familiar voice. I could have sworn he heard something which I did nut. Finally he turned to me with a smile and shook his head. I can't exactly believe In your plan,' he said. I sat staring at him. I knew, and he knew, that his reason was convinced; It was an Instinct alone that held the old man back an Instinct In which he superstl-tiousl- y trusted and on which he obstinately acted. It waa (he most extraordinary thing I ever saw. The more so that events have proved the warning voice gave him a private Information which wae mure than correct. The plan failed dismally, as I too well know." Extraordinary or not, those who come In contact with successful business men will see the same phenomenon repeated over and over In greater or less degree. Call It a genius for affairs, or what you will, this curious power of divination remain still as unexplained a mystery as any other kind of second sight. Margaret Button Briscoe la Harper's Bazar. The Xeeley Institute, a direct authorized branch of the paront house at Dwight, 111., has been opened at 100 W. Second North, Halt Lake City, on the line of the street rail way ru unlug to Warm Springs. For the treatment of tha liquor and opium habits, with Lesley E. Keeley Companys double chloride of gold rem -- edlez. The Institute Is under tha management of Dr. J. W. St. John, who has been at work with and In tho employ of the Lesley E. Keoloy Company for the past four years The treatment and "Masterson shipped April 15, 1894, on management of patients will be IdentiJames Allen. Vessel cally the same as at Dwight. the whaler wrecked In Bering sea May 11th. Crew escaped in boats, but a number were Balt Lake City. April, 1895. washed overboard, Masterson among To Whom It May Concern: 1 hu,e sucthem. He waa rescued, but died before cessfully tried the Eagle Tobacco Habit on the Cure of Balt reaching shore. Was buried Lake City. For lifteen years beach, and two days later was dug up 1 smoked cigars, pipe and cigarettes, and was a habitual amoaer, being nrmly held and eaten by the aurvlvora in the soothing clutches of that potent A MWAggAgu CRIMINAL. enemy to mankind, Tobacco. I began taking tills treatment on the eighth of Febof the present year, and Inside of Stole a Cool Million From a Bank and aruary week I was entirely cured of the habit and had no desire to smoke. 1 can cheerEscaped Punishment. cure, and believe fully recommend thiscure Mr. William Pinkerton, under whose honestly that it will any case of todirection the great Pinkerton agency bacco nabit providing the patient does U. directed. as A. FKklNCH, has heou perpetuated, while In Halt Denver 4k Rio Grande Express Agent, Lake last week, in speaking of noted Balt Lake City. crooks, gave the following history of A Bonanxa For Pupils. a man whose operations extend to all Tha New State Commercial College clyfllxod countries. A lifetime has been devoted by De- J. Frank llyau, principal, 61 to 651 East tective Pinkerton to the suppression of 2nd South bL, Sait Lake City, (opened crime, the apprehension and conviction since January 1st,) Is an Institution of Its perpetrators. destined to surpass all others In the Weal. "From no source has this work reUO per mouth entitles a pupil tothor-ougUl- y ceived greater encouragement," said Ural-claInstruction la .any or As"than the Bankers ha last night, the of all following: bhorihand, Ura-ha27UU this banks in sociation, In which or Fit man systems,) Typewriting, country are now united, and for whicha we are, In addition to the two Jewel-er- Bookkeeping, Fenmaushlp, Higher statAssociation, doing the work. The Mathematics, Academic Course, results have been most gratifying. We ionery (books for etc.) required now have In custody Count Shlnbum sud ShortPenmanship Bookkeeping, Fishand his gang of burglars, Charlie furnlsned at a coat not to exceed er and his confederation of forgers, and hand, 61. the Allen gang of sneaks. What a &uc to IX) per month. Latin, Ureek, German, French, Spancareer of crime, by the way, there stands against Shinburn. With the ish, Drawing and Architecture 68.00 per frost of nearly 80 years upon his locks, mouth, books and materials uot included. he Is awaiting trial upon the charge Shorthand, Bookkeeping and Feumau-shiof attempted bank robbery of a Nathoroughly taught by mall fur 35, Y N. and tional bank at Middleton, when course Is completed, payable are to on and there his trail, pledged correspondence solicited. do everything In their power to procure his legitimate conviction, 2700 banka. It was thirty years ago when his career MASTER OR SLAVE. began, and when he waa first unmasked by the Pinkerton agency. He There is all the difference In the had just done time a few years later, worid Between being master or slave. levand coming from a State prison, And this is manliest in every eled his energies at the Ocean Bank of puase o( dinerence me, and in every spucre ui New York City. From a nelgnborlng power. Every man has nerves; but foothold he tunneled Into its vaults, uue man comma hla nerves, and we and with hie confederates, departed speux of linn uumiriiigiy as a man o i with nearly 11,000,000. That beats min- nerve, while another man Is coniroiieu ing when you take time as essence In oy bis nerves, and lie speag ut him the deal. With his bit which was the pityingly as a nervous man. in me lions share, of course he sought Eu- uno ease me man la mazier; in me rope, settled In Belgium, and after pur- other ease me man la a stave, it is a chasing a manor, bought himself a tniiig tor a man to nave a strong title. From Maximilian 8hlnburna good and to control it. It is a very temper akin he Issued as Count Bhlnburn, and ban tiling tor a strong temper to have settled down to retirement That, like a uinu aud to control him. A man ale uncorked, grew stale, however, and worth little lit ordinary hie wuo has no he was soon a frequenter of the gamblinand a man w no has ms appeg-houses, 111 control a prominent figure In the uppciiie, Is master oi it for tite were heavy, and but a man wno is a slave Saddock. Hisonlosings a sliuUar scale. It cul- lu hisservice; appeiite lias neither huppiness minated," continued Mr. Pinkerton, as nor power, lie is despised as me most careers do all of that kind, in his wakabject of bis race. The choice la before ing up one morning to ascertain that he us. in uod s providence, to be master was a broken man. Then, to recoup, or siave. And we are responsible lur he attacked a bank at Liege In Belbur cnoice. 'i he Sunduy-ticnogium, was apprehended, convicted and sent to prison. His time done, two A Financier Arrested. years ago he returned to America. Here Kan., July 29. M. W. Levy, Wichita, he reopened his career of crime. He for years president of the twenty proceeded to..reorganUe the gang, that National Bank, and now conyears ago had shared his nefarious ex- Wichitu York Life Insure ploits and plunder. Finally, they went nected with the New Cumjiaiiy at Bt. Louis, was aragainst a National bank at Middleton. ance One of his men were captured, and rested here lor embezzlement yesterthen fell Count Shinburn and his first day, while on a visit home. T he arrest lieutenant, Mahr, into the embrace of caused quite a sensation In business the dvtectlve, and both of them are now circles. Ine platniitls sre Walter ar.d await!,. trial at Albany. This Is probItoy liays, who allege that they placed ably tha last of the Count's career as 5827 In trust with Mr. while he an active criminal. He will not likely was president of the Wichita National survive the sentence, but lay down his Bank, before it failed last fall. Mr life behind tile bars of Bing Bing." Levy's friends claim that In the settleMr. Pinkerton will, with hla nephew, account with David Hay spend the day In Zion, and then renew ment ofofanthe plaintiff, Mr. Levy In his Journey eastward. The latter will father eluded the money he Is accused of ementer Yale next season. bezzling. Reason vs. Instinct in Laziness Afss m p eiu-cie- oi la-v- fairs. "Business is business, says the man vowed to that life, and so It is unquestionably, but equally personality is personality. Leaving the latter out of consideration will throw business calculations about as far astray as those of the astronomer who does not allow for personal equations This the suc Confessed on the Oallows. A Washington, July 25. Joseph Beam was hanged in the United States hla of murder for the step jail daughter. Annie Leht, last December; Beam cMfewed. nal pi' esses u t expression, so that they are really unable to be more ex- I act than they seem; usually these pe- cullarltlrs are either neglected or cause severe punishments to be Inflicted, with the natural result thqt they are conIs a Wonderful Thing. rocka. All the primitive wood luetlncie firmed and added to by various unfaare alert In the young vorable characteristics of cruelty, re-venge, slyness, and actual deceit. Lychild, and will keep him safe moie than will the shrieks and pro- ing does not necessarily mean vlclous-nes- s, I T HAS NO RIVAL in its successful nor Is truth to be regarded merehibitions of the most watchful nuree. Caution needs no Jogging in a young ly as a saving means of grace. On the Work. Read the TESTIMONIALS child. Let him quite alone anil he fVlll contrary, many a child may. lie led to men. Works no INinuke good use of It. A toddler of two forget the lie simply by being placed in of wol when going over a narrow ledge will, pruiier physical and mental JURIES on the system, but improves if let alone, take to all fours, though lierliupe lie never had a bad fall In ins life. A young child Is no mure going your HEALTH. EDUCATION AND CRIME. to rush out of himself upon the rocks TAKE IT and in 5 DAYS you and Incontinently fall off into the waSince 1870 the number of children In ter than la a young puppy. A child English schools has Increased from will be CURED of the TOBACCO and to 5,000,000, and the number of left to himself will accomplish trips through woods and among etumps In persons In English prisons has fallen CIGARETTE HABIT and your dnya from 12,000 to 5000. The yearly average safety that he could never have ac- of sentenced to penal servitude complished If confused by the constant forpersons on earth will be lengthened. Crimea has decreased yells and warnings of a solicitous par- fromaggravated zuoo to offend800, while Juvenile ent. As a mutter of fact, the child In have fallen from 14,000 to 5OO0. Some the woods, by Instinct knows mure ers Bond $5 for one bottle to believers In the theory thun the jiarent does. Let him alone. enthusiastic as la education that crime is enlarged Hu will not take a step without testing decreased, insist that the smaller perIt. Let him learn lrum the things centage Is due to the percentage themselves. Don t confuse him by of persons who have greater the beneshouted commands. Nature will teach fit of the Instruction enjoyed in the imparted without terrorizing; you will hardly do schools. South and Wat Tempi. Street, Salt Luke City. & F. Cor. setumbles won't so well. Ordinary The experience on one side of the Wanted Everywhere. Agents underwill Is he English channel, however. riously hurt him, and curiously stand the meaning of that sort of at variance with the experience un the Before baying see that the bat; In are sealed with the signature, Dtit Lit Diasi side. In other statne France criminal i teaching. None genuine without this seal or when seal I brokoti. The average parent who screams at tistics and the statements of the magisas show trates schools have been that will kill her child, "Don't go there, you prisons have been filled, and yourself, inspires the child with a opened that the diffusion of education has been Indiof the place superstitious Irlglit apparently with an Incated, amt if It be a rock, lie becomes accompanied crease of crime, especially Juvenile ruck instead oi of the afraid llseir, crime. Keeping children in school afraid of the danger of falling off the ought, appaienlly, to some extent keep am confused he a rock. Like nut gets them from the commission of petty Idea that If he dues go near the ruck by lessening opportunity; but If It will bite off his nose. Some day he this be the case, tne same effect should will escape the parent's vigilance, and be produced In France as In England. elated with the sense of disobedience A French Journal offers the explanaIn the market and the discovery that the rock does tion that In France, as under tne reUtah Agent, forth, beat Plano anJ i not bite off his nose, he qill approach public, education la simply Intellectual while In England there Is the situation disarmed of the caution instruction; not only Instruction but training; morthat would have Inspired him had he al religious Influences are brought been left to find out for himself. Then to and bear upon the minds of the young. and one does he to fall ten off, very There Is not much soundness In Vicwhich his little head, likely breaks tor contention that when you serves the parent right, but Is hard on buildHugo's a schoolhouse you close the door the child. of a Jail. The people of no other counA child on the seashore for the first try spend more money for education EVERY MAN HIS OWH HORSE AND CATTLE DOCTOR the Into walk time will probably than the people of the United States; right more withwoman crime but has than water and probably every kept pace worth our Rend What PR, KUNN'J BLACK OIL will do. in reach will shriek, dash for him, with Instruction, and consider to while whether this him scare result out him and probably haul Into fits. Why not let him alone? To may not be In some measure due to the HORSE CUT, BRUISED or WOUNDED, BLACK OIL HORSE or COW got COLD or BLOAT get his feet wet won't kill him, and quality of the teaching. more than likely he will stop In a very HORSE COUGHING or got DISTEMPER, BLACK OIL The Farts That Do Not Grow Old. few steps, stand still and gravely conNo Flies on WOUNDS when you on his senile work "In the he Dr. then heart. sider the situation. Maybe You get a Vetrinary book FREE when you will stoop down, satisfy himself with Balfour telle us," says the Medical BLACE OIL an Investigating palm that It la water, Times, New York, July, that there are Every Farmer, Stockman, Dairy, should have handy NUNNS and then back out. Then the lesson Is two parts of the human organism, Every Sore, Scratch, Piles, etc, cured with learned and the parent may be from which. If wisely used, largely escape No Stable or Household complete without Let senile failure. These two are the brain Every Store thould keep for sale that time relieved of anxiety. him alone! Just stand by to see that and the heart. Persona who think have s, the tumble that teaches Is not too often wondered why 50 CENTS severe, or that the venturesome little great statesmen and others, should cun Sold wholeiule sod ratal! st to tlnue work almost not too much with does at once, unimpaired try pilgrim but let him try. activity and energy up to a period when most of the organs ana functions ARR THE CHURCHES DYING f of the body are in a condition of advanced senile decay. There Is a phyfor thl and Dr. BalNot a little has been written In secu- siologic reason Lake City, Utah. lar Journals and magazines during the four tells us what It la. The normal brain, he affirms, remains vigorous to Cash partner wanted In this business. past few months concerning the alleged the last, and that because its nutrition failure of the churches to reach the masses In the cities and the people In Is especially provided for. About midh. H. HOLMES. the country districts. A paper called dle life, or a little later, the general ASTONISHING RESDLTS The Christian Alliance has recently arteries of the body begin to lose their A career unequalled In crime in the made the statement that there are a elasticity and to slowly but surely diIn From The thousand unoccupied church edifices late. They become, therefore, much history of this country la that of H. H. New England where no services are less efficient of the nutrient Holmes, swindler and murderer. The EAGLE CURE LIQUOR held, and there are very many Impor- blood to the carriers areas. latest chapter Is that of the murder of But this two capillary tant towns and villages without any little bodies whose have children, case Us not the the MOST with Internal SAFK8T, SL'UUKSsKUL, AND MOST pastor or organised church." been discovered in the cellar of a house The Watchman of Boston challenges tlQs.'WmWiTdbPiy On) eapmary Toronto, Out., Canada, and other re- MglXxnrjUim(Vgr...iM!l.vr.cn The Alliance to furnish proof of this of the brain. On the contrary, those In Cues heretofore hopeleu, now cured nnd in a false cellar of his Chicago assertion, which. In its own opinion, Is large vessels continue to retain their mains brought to uuwuea of nfe and happlueia. a a About house. half and he year ago 'Obfalse. The so Lutheran blood that the Head the lest, inouiol In tilt, iu.uu of a "absolutely pristine elactlclty, server also denies the statement that pressure remains normally higher than Is supposed to have murdered the fathouok aaupuoal on llquur cure, but now a la tuu Lug u keunxiy. the pulpit is In a condition of dt Be lapse, from within the capillary area of any other er of these children, B. F. Pltzel, In oouvurt other cure, aud viuiim,. of tlie tornule The country churches in h :w organ In the body. The cerebral blood liquor dbouae fliuuid not delay. suffered It have England undoubtedly Write lor further particular, or call at thus open, the brain being paths kept to from the admits, large emigration! the Western States, and some have xo tissue le kept better nourished than the EAGLE of the body. Who la there tually died out, but It goes on to s ly: other tissues 8. E, Cor. aid ba aud W, Temple flu. those who have or reached "Over against these admitted fa tz, among fell Lake uiy, blah. renot middle will be that careful statistics show that the general passed age or aggregate attendance of persons at joiced to find such admirable physiolothe various services of the churches is gical warrant for the belief that the E. DUNSCOMB, M. D. greater now In proportion to population brain may continue to work, and even than formerly, notwithstanding the to improve, almost to the very last Uulvuraily of New York, 19331 fact that some pulpits do not 'draw' hour of life? SPECIALIST crowds. Lzxwooa anuxus, coLooznoi "In respect to the fact that many Practice liiuitea to UANUK118, TUMOB8, and churches In New England are "dying Holmes Is Pratt GUiTUA f out, we present another fact that more RADICAL IVIIK TREATMENT Wichita, Kan., July 29. A sensationWITHOUT than ten times as many new churches here KXIFE Oil CAUSTIC. are built In other parts of the country al story will be published that Frank as are dying out In New England. Cap- Pratt,morning Indicating formerly of this city, is no other tain McCabe haa reported that, oh an than H. H. famous the Blue average, two new Methodist churches Beard. WhenHolmes, Holmes was first arrestare built and delcated on every day of ed, H. II. Helserman, a prominent citl-se- n the year. The Baptists, no doubt, COXTINnXTAL UK'YL'Ll OALESOUX of Wichita, saw him and thought build nearly as many; the Fresbyter-ian- s he was Riding rahuol and bicycle Inery. Pratt. When Helserman reBieyciet, biand the Lutherans each build at turned from eundriu. cycle uiu, sweater., .porting gooda. Philadelphia he conveyed least one new church every day; the his BIX! and 24 W. i.euuud Sou I la. to who UltaAKCli. In turn friends, suspicions hk HAGl.SK. AUIKL. K ALCuN Episcopalians and all the other denomJJloyclea.Agenia to the newspapers. Inlor alUNduLit Dick CuhS wanted, inations delcate about two thousand conveyed them ban lim followed, and all the moveCity, Llali more annually; so that while a few vestigation ments of Holmes and Pratt made in reH. H. Holmes. hundred churches may be dying out In cent Identical, as well as the New England, ten times as many new fact yearsallarethe women they have asthat are organized and sociated congregations with bear a striking resem- order to secure the 210,000 life insurance churches built In other parts of the blance. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. carried by him. For fifteen years he country." made a profession of swindling, secur- MAisiy-DOr-lLSTIWHY CHILDREN LIE. and be- It Is better to lock thr stable door after ing about 5200,000 from insurance comwuu, ica!:etallk'zula the lioree Is stolen than not to lock it at panies. He had throe wives at one Mufical Fur the same reason, we now learn, all. .Mien Aiunus JLtunie aud It may save the cow. Truth. liooKrf. aud noIU uii that the babies smile In their sleep le motive alone that give character time, and besides the murders named It Am II U, pay furuur ii eaij above he Is suspected of throe more. So because their stomachs are out or orHe is the happiest, be he king or peasui of phuel who finds In his home. Goethe. cleverly has Ilolmes covered his tracks der, or because some other physical ant. Uod divided In Into men man order that that it may be difficult to convict him function la improperly performed. We !iuy and Sdl of any of his crimes. He is Nathan Oppenhelm, M. D., discusses they might help each other. Seneca. trial In Philadelphia, and It Is awaiting tho subject In a rather technical way believed Seeds, Grain, Hay, Flour his dark career will end on the gal(l'opulur Science Monthly, July), and en ASD GKN'I.R.tL I'BOhtc'K. sums up his conclusions as follows: DONT LIMP can you be lows. Ileodquarti-r- . fur Puullry ruppfiua, We constantly see children who lie made to Write u walk atnlglit, Wn take Planter Vlftltori to tho oity mile viewin the r.irinua habitually, and usually for no recogPEOPLES FORWARDING CO. of of feet Perl to in.ura c.t nized reason. This habit Is commonly pomtfeuf Interest and pluttNur nr Atiiided a 31 In .17 Mam f comfort. in crippled nnrilMl t., adjoining Y. c. if. I. invitation to Imiftffct the wIKvtion of looked upon as an indication of sponmid Deformed Xlu e. 1 ALT steel oil LakK CITY. UTAH. tha at InOxford." The ixhihit paintin' taneous ylelousness. In the majority of brace und artificial limb of O.u lua ueh fainnua Ha the every denari ptiun. cases this opinion has no basis In fact. ofthaPUlM." "Morning" uj -- Kwnln' anJ The children usually are suffering from HILBERT DEFORMITY hatluatly calibrated hittorncal Wend. "Meat Into! Anthony and CleoiHtra.11 disorders of mind or body, or both, SHOE CO., ' E.NGENMKXUGR IIROH. which radically Interfere with the W VT.rin n 69 E. Third Son'll St.. uh . transmission of conceptions and 8l6i 'V Ar Salt Lake City, l Uh Main from the Internal to the exter wltn OUDLX, UTAH. ( 'os- KAI.T 1.AKR lilTY troll, Mrs. Humphrey Ward falls rtudily Into the ranks or the serial She has a long novel pledged for novelists the Century next year. Let Him Learn bp Experiencea year and a half and four years old is nut the helpless creature he le usually luought to be, even though he be city bred, when put down In the midst of the woods and - The -- A child between -- Eagle Pharmacy, E. N, JENKINS Or,;-kD- 208 South West Temple, POST OFFICE BLOCK. It-I- s SBlaekOil brain-worker- t rilAltMACr, M R, Evans, Y oung Bros Co. c " BROWNING BROS a na m str-w- String Tliat Never Breaks . CAN'T HE BOUGHT! lint Hint which breaka the leant we have fur sals, 811 KAF OK WIIK AT BRAND. anJ Inks Ak for BINDING GROCER SELLS IT. soother. 2- X U a u 3 CD S Rambfer, Tribune, 6 Reed Hotel, lu I BrJ 18 ? to I " n Remington, Warwick, nd Feather, to tie oICYCLlS Kl.h-troIun,, Ammunition, lllB hi'. tTIIuu U rlT' MmloJua'fnJ Ieo,rl IL'hU. Strict! Iov!,.tor ' PlolulmotiU. Jdaku a TRY THE WALKER trade. It THE LEADING cm o DENTISTS. rill Tubular lccl Cyrinna Mnwcr and Rskr fro thn manufactory of V. A. Wood, ra unrx-- I to are uImi all tlio linsu wu rciri-an- t In Ilab suil Idaho. Among-- C which r found Bain Wagons Dwru and nlUcr Plow. Uuatrli Thiw-liiMwliinory, Tiger Bakes and Bay Loader Columbia, Lind, ay aud Kinder liliiyclea Addrem WAGON & MACHINE CO. Idaho. General offices. Salt Kaka City OEO. T. ODELL, General Manager. HEWLETT BROS. BALT LAKE G1T7 UTAH1 i J Halt l.nks. HOUSE Lake, on trip. GKX K. JOHNSON. Proprietor. DR.O.B.HiWETTfcSCI O ccll.-d- ; I Farm Loans t. felt S ui tennlf nr crlckst np plica gun, ammunition, etc, mud far our illu. free to MnCornlck Block, halt Lake. a. S4 Ogden and Login, Utah; Idaho Kail sod Alnnlpelliir, t TWiNE a 3 n (fix IF YOU WANT all. catalogue, BROWNING DUOS.. 1M Main to tc Use Three Crown Baking Powder AND DEST. Agts, pby-aioi- ZP YOUR Z.C.M.I, Drug Dept, Salt Habits are the petrifaction of feelings. rUKEST Temple of Music. es Plymouth Sisal to-d- obacco Cure Eagle SOOLT THE E LAUNDRY WANTS AGENTS a LOOS, HnTr.r,JWB SALT LAKE CITY. erk Ik. BEST w.., ef ridge Tke Only daillals wko maka Gold Q-plataa, Gael, Class, asd 61 Ilka lha VftlL" Ftlhflg III tXlTMllM Maaiaa AbQQ Ad'ln'xaalouca a branch and Paris-Hom- e Laundry, Chle. LUT.LVW..HOUT PARIS-HOM- 345 West Tern hla I. M- - M. U- - treet, Ball Lake, Utah 19,1805, Balt Lako. |