Show n HOLMES DEATHCHAMBER Sr Police Are Unveiling the Greatest Great-est Criminal of the Age Bodies of Ona Man and Two Women Turned Over to Him by Holmes ft Taken From a Daik Room in tho I Cnstic Did tho lend Murder Minnie Williams Brother Too Chicago July 27 Inspector Fltzpat rick believes It to be certain that at least three murders were committed In L I the castle of Holmes and through t witnesses that were found today It Is thought now that Holmes cnn be convicted con-victed of muider In this city Jhe police po-lice have tound a man whose name they refuse to divulge hut who was biought to the olllce of the Inspector thU alternoon lie told the police that ho had mounted three skeletons fur Holmes and that the skeletons weie uoin bodies taken from the house of 3 Holmes In Sixtythird street One of these he said was the body of a man und the other two were women lhey I vteie taken from a dark room In A i Hohness house In the night time nnd two of tho mounted skeletons were returned f I i re-turned to Holmes The third skeleton Is I now In the possebslon of Inspector Fltxpatilck t t The llesh of the bodies had not been stripped from the bones when the r bodies were given to the new witness t hut the faces were so badly lacerated and torn that Identification would have It been Impossible The police also found an expressman v today who was able to give what Is believed to be Important evidence The name of the exptessman Is Charles Humphrey and In the month of June 19J he was hired by Holmes to deliver de-liver a box and a trunk at the Union 2c depot In this city The box according to Humphrey was taken from a dark nnm nmi imil flu nnnearance of a collln i lUllf box 1AV This I was expressed to Philadelphia Phil-adelphia while the trunk was sent In another direction TUB SKFH TON STOnY The story of the man who articulated the skeleton Is to the elfeet that In juno 1MIJ he Was sent for by Holmes who at that time was going under the alias of Jotdon and asked if he would articulate the skeleton of a man whose body was In the possession of Holmes He accepted the Job and was taken by Holmes to a room which would have been dark even In the day time Stietched out on a table Jn the middle of the loom was the body of a man The skin had been entirely removed Horn the face but In all otner lespects the body was In good condition The articulator and Holmes had some talk as to the best way of taking the body out of the house os Holmes said he did not want the neIghbors to seethe see-the body removed It was llnally agreed that the artlculator should cut orf the arms and that Holmes would provide for the removal of the rest of the corpse This was done attd the artlcu r Mrttor tert iJ rnrtrewrciliiyiiitJ tliO armS T with him In a sack He had Just reached his house and was preparing to go to bed when he was called to the door by a loud knocking lIe went down and found Holmes and another man They had the balance of the body which had been cut In two pieces after the articulator had left the house Holmes left after remarking that ho would have another Job for the man In a short time Tiue to his word In December he I k sent for the articulator a second time and upon the arrival of the latter at the r house of Holmes he was taken to the same lark room where on the same I table where the body of the man had lain on the occasion of his first visit was tho body of a young woman The face of this corpse had been disfigured In such a manner that It was Impossi I ble to tell what she had looked like hen alive In January 1893 the articulator was sent for a third time by Holmes and 1 In the tame room on the same table Jie found the body of a second young woman Ironi whose face all the skin had been removed The articulator had this body taken to his home where he stripped the hones and mounted the IIeltton When ho called on Holmes for his pay the latter refused to give It to him and was moreover somewhat In uueurs on the bill for moiftitlng the two previous skeletons The two men could not come to terms and the dispute dis-pute finally ended ly the articulator letulnlng possession of the third skeleton skel-eton and he still has It In his house lie lemoved the skull tonight and brought It to the centml police station wheie It now Is The articulator will be kept under close surveillance for some days yet as the police do not think he has told all lie knows about fliu murders in thp castle The police declare now that they have nlmuHt pusltle pioof that the first female fe-male body was that of Umcllne CI ginml and the second that of Annie Williams It la the skull of Annie Williams Wil-liams that Is now at the central station sta-tion THE KXPUESSMANS STOIU i The Htmy of the espiessman Is to the i effect that he wan hired by Holmes one uftinoon and told not to come to llu I house until after nJijhtfull The 1xpicbfcinan kept this appointment He vvnn Kicn a box and Il trunk by Holmes J and told to take them to tin Union depot When he was putting the box into tho wagon he tumed It on Jill and was at once otoppod by Holmes who told him he wan on no iircount to keep the box In any other jioHltlon except Hut on tho side He had orders to take the box and trunk to the I depot nnd leave them on the end I of lie platform and was told that they would bo taken care of He saw only one man at tho depot who seemed to be Interested In the trunk and box and drove away After Humphey had told his > itor > to the police tonight Put Quintan wa hrotifiht from his cell and tin two wero placed face to face The police will not tell why this was don but the general opinion Is that It was done hoeause Humplney recognized Qttln Inn as the men at tho depot Toe ex 0 picsaman will be retained In custody aa a witness S GRAVi IN THE UASKMGNT In prosecuting the Investigation of the basement of the big brick house on Sixtythird and Wallace streets today the workmen employed by the police aamo upuji a grave Lime nnd lulck lImo had accomplished their work and tho bodies had turned to native dust nit I there still remained sulllclcnt ovl ddnoe to make the identification possible possi-ble The soft spots In the bed of hart clay were tho sIze of human bodies and where the heads would have been wero mats of long hair One big strand was of light color like that of Minnie Williams while the other was of the brown hue of Annies hair |