Show Habits arc tho petrifaction of feelings I Use Three Crown Baking Powder PUREST YOUR t AND GROCER I3L r y 15EST SELLS IT r HEWLETT BROS SALT LAKE CITY UTAH I t Ii r i It Is better to lock the stable door after tho horse Is stolen than not to loci It at all It may save tho row Trnth It Is motive alone that Rives character lie Is the happiest be ho king or peasant peas-ant who llnrti pence In his homo Goethe God divided man Into men In order thaI they might help each other Seneca I m joii DONT LIMP ran be IOIItlO tow to-w ilk straight Vo tnkt IUotHr of 1urU CHS of feet lo itiMiru coin fort Hpeultill lit urlpplitl and Deformed Slues Mrcl r a brncfo unit nrtlUcial limbs of > every diurlpllun ° HILOERT DEFORMITY Y 1 SHO CO 69 C 1 Tlilnl Soulli St y1o Suit Luke City Utiiti n String That Never Breaks CANT UK 1IOUOIIT Hut that which IjMuk the leant wo halo for sale Ask for Plymouth Sisal BINDING TWINE SIIKAK I OP WIIIIAT IIIIAK1 and Uko no other inK I ° c K s ° a < ti < o = = 1 W M < oI 1 4 i g = i rs1 5 s t = 3 g i JQ E o t t 3S i g a u < < tILl I jJ CO u COx oh ff i SAS u X < a O C = tv r t cr a 7R < a > If F ui 3 rag Tnbulur tool Cyolono loVofl and Ilikm from the miiiiufuclory of W A Wood nru unexcelled unex-celled to aro clue nil mho < llneii nu repriient Uluh und Idnho Amoiimt utiluli uru fouid I llulu Vupinis Deere und olltir Plow Hmull Thr hliirf Muhliier TIor Itukei und liny Loaders olumblu Iludny uud 1onlur lllujulm Acldrem COOP HATlyg WAGON MACHINE CO Ogden and Lonan Utah Idaho Fill + uud Mnntpellor Idaho Goneral oniccJ Suit Kuk City GEO T ODELL General Manager l d i t 1 Aa c = The Eagle Tobacco Cure Is a Wonderful Thing Q T HAS NO RIVAL in its successful Work Read tho TESTIMONIALS > of wol > known men Works no INJURIES Y IN-JURIES on tho system but improves J your HEALTH TAKE IT and in 5 DAYS you f will bo CURED of tho TOBACCO and CIGARETTE HABIT and your days on onrth will be longthonod Bond 5 for one bottle toE to-E lgle Pharmacy S I Cor ScoiiJ < South ant Wait Tomple Street Silt Lako City Agonts Wanted Evorywhoro Before buying see that the boliliis arc soalnd with tho stnitnro Da tc Lrtn DIMS Nunn genuine vltiiit this seal nr whet seal H I broken E NI JENKINS > Temple of Music Utah Agents for thu bent 1luuoj nail Orpins In the market 208 SoutH West Temple POST OFFICE BLOCK EVERY MAN HIS OWN HORSE AND CATTLE DOCTOR Head What LK NUNX3 J1LACK OH will do HORSE CUT BRUISED or WOUNDED use NUNNS BIM OIL HORSE or COW got COLD or BLOAT use PrUNNS J HORSE COUGHING or got DISTEMPER use NUNNS t BLAUI Oil No Flies on WOUNDS when you itso NUNNS I You get a Vetrinary book FREE when you buy NUNNS GLACE Oil Every Fanner Stockman Dairy should hnvohandy NUNNS OLftuU Every flora ScratchjPileSjetc with NUNNS Tpt 1 1 l No Stable or Household complete without HUNNS B1 ac k 0Il I I Every Store thould keep for sale NUNNS J lOjWXV W JLJL 50 CEXTS A UOTTLE Sold wholesale and rstull ut ZCMI I Drug Dept Agts Salt Lake City Utah Cash nnrtnnr wanted In this business H II HOLMES A career unequalled In crime In the history of this country Is that of II if Holmes swindler and murderer The latest chapter Is that of the murder of two little children whose bodies have been discovered I In the cellar of a hoube In Toronto Out Canada ana Other rb mains In a false cellar of his Chicago house About a year and a half ago he Is supposed to have murdered the father fath-er of these children B P Pltzel In Iillli Illl I ill l + Y Pj O > Y J r L d = Yt u rv e t 1 tC H H Holmes order to secure the 10000 life Insurance carried by him For fifteen years he made a profession of swindling secur ing about 200000 from Insurance companies com-panies Ho had throe wives at onetime one-time and beiiiden the murders named above he Is suspected of three more So cleverly has Holmes covered his tracks that It may be dilllcult to convict him of any of his crimes lie Is awaltliiR trial In Philadelphia and It Is believed his dark career will enl on the gal lows Visitors to the city whllu vinwins the various polntBuf latcrust and plouiuru iiro extiinjcj a uorJUl IkvllMlon linnet the i > nll < tlnn or oil painting ut the Oxford Tho exhibit In olu lus such famous mislcrpkMs in limn Tory if thMluliii 1 Mornlnic iiud l Kvcnlnir l an lint justly colebrutiid + d lilfctoMonl Inland Mcut lti0 Anthony and CleapilM usaKNsiimoRR HKOS SJ WS TI II I nth Having succeeded with Bpasle Coa troll Mrs Humphrey Ward falls luadlly Into the ranks of the serial novelists Sho furs a long novel pledguQ for the Cen tury next year IF YOU i HAHT HIrYlM K8 Illnyolr IIArT ba IF lUU WAU uiKlrim burn bull lawn plies nuns ammunition leiiiili pto loud or tor crlokot our illus lasted catalogue Tree to all IIHUWNINO MHOS IIAMuln J ct Salt Uk Farm Loans nnywhero III Utah Miller Hn U u Hawley Mtg CO xnt McCornlck lllock bait Luke Reed Hotel oC8 dH 131 lIoon19 9 I elfvt0rl eloclrlo IIlht Strict Irlint I claesin all Iti appolutmouU Makes imitate to Intormountnlu trade u II DROBHWETTSO THE LEADING I DENTISTS I t DOOLT LOOK I SALT LAKE CITY Brigs work tbt BEST west of CLIosR4 Th Only dtulliti who mass Cold Bp01i pUWi Cool Clsia and tit 11110 Ibo raper se iwlL nUlng td Ltraottog l AUSO LUT1iLY WITHOUT PAIN PrlusM nil We Ywa wmriirraare I ASTONISHING RESULTS From TUB EAGLE LIQUOR CURE SAF13T MOSi hUCUUtiMJL I AND MOST C1L > JakRlu4u I > akg1 1 4f1JJ + 1ljalJ t Caste heretofore hopulujd now cured und r brought to uutvutad of lIfo and Impplueju llLuil the tot luotilul In this lajuu of u phy sician morn ukupilcul on liquor cures but now u convert tau thug o Uemrily Itelupscs from other euros uud victim of tho tumult liquor dUcufcu tftiuuiU not > delay NY rata lor further imrilculuM or call at EAGLE IIAUiACY S 11 Cor 2J 1 So and W Teiaplo Sti bait Lukuuty Utah Ee DUNSCOMB M Ut Unhoiklty of Nuw York JH33 SPECIALIST OLKNUOOO BrilNHS COIO1UDO 1ructlco llmlteu to UVJfCrUS TOMOUS cud GO ITU i ISADICAI CUItK TKKATMEXT WITHOUT KNIlE Oil CAUsriC M R EVANS CONTINENTAL BICYCLE sALE oM Killing Mjhool anil I bluyulo Irta ry Hlo S cite bl c cluBunUrluii Buiiji riuuutor portlim uoodt uts dud il I W tocoud South AlU1CJI Svi4 Uu lUL11L1AICUS lJIeyclAoUlO for lu1tlJlt 1J10YOL1S wautuu ball Lure Oit > UIIIII Young Bros Oo SA11 LII CIT UTAH S1tUd1N11S Dealers III J DOflF I Sr sllvae 5111110 rind tu lat Jlu hili liliiOkup iiun i 4u > wtnnnaullk uU 1 Mu < luliiitrum < ntd MIUVI liusiu old Jluslo HOOK liHtrumuut nod Muhlnua cold one easy pryiauutc aeudfurtier 1c 111 III ohoul acuela tiWJ Joplo IIc lluy unit Soil Seeds Grain Hay Flour AND GINUlU IUOILUi J I Heodqunilvrs fur Poultry supply IIrllo ua PEOPLES FORWARDING COat CO-at ton Slum 11 1 HdjolnliiK V U SL 1 fcAM 1 IjMvl l CITY 1 UTAH BROWNING BROS Ulna Wahliiiitori dvn 1S I tbtl Nlw l OUUIN UTAH 1111 LlR6lllT1 Rambler Itemlngton Warwick auucyclesundtlec I PUlbluluuo UICYCLE ° Olltl eyole luu1rlos hAumunitlmt Fish ing Tackle tents laying Vord lau iliac trated cIlIa ocue tree TRY THE WALKER HOUSE lull Iikn one trip QKO K I JOHNSON Iroprlotor THE PARISHOME LAUNDRY WANTS AGENTS ii wry tnwu lu I uttl to I olohlllh alrnnoh end elicit order Addrvm itt once ParisHorne Laundry 315 Well Toiuplu ulreBt SaIL Iake Utah I M N 111018015 Salt Lalso |