Show PRODUCTION Ol COPPER Over Half of Last Years Product Cam Front Montana Washington July 2Ulhe review of copper und copper mining for the year Ovi made by the United States Ceo logical Survey has been completed It says that copper mining suiiereU nom the general uepiesslon of me year still consumption was In advance of 16UJ but un eiuaiged pioductlon could ot lower only be marketed by means Prices On the whole copper mliium than me lesisied the tension better other metal trades The exports were less than in IhlM and were almost en tirplv of th rntlnud metal I The Ulo ducuon of ow rIorwl was l 1ro l 0 tons A little over half of tilts camu n om Montana and twomlrds of tile lemulnder uoin tne Luke Supeiior mines other sources ot supply included includ-ed Arizona ijuuouu pounua Colorado uouuuvu pounds taoutneui lutes U uuu pounus blah 1100000 The available copper supply In ISO Is placed at iu50oouou pounus not Including In-cluding stocks hunt previous yeais Lilt expoits from the United btatcs lor 1SJ1 were IfJOOOOUU pounds valued at over lu000000 The lepoit or the Survey of the production pro-duction of zlno in tile United States says that the check which the steady and rapid advance of me industry iu celved in IsJJ extended into 1W4 The decline In the consumption of galvanized galvan-ized lion the Biuup lulling oil in the demand for brass and stagnation In tile building lade contributed to this result The production of spelter Uui Ing the year was in round numbers iaoOOouO tons derived from the following follow-ing btutes Illinois 2JOiu short tons Kansas 20000 short tons Mlssouil 12 diO tons Western Slates luoo short tons bouthern states luuu short tons The production of zinc oxide In 1804 was 21442 tons Itegardlng manganese the Geological Survey report says that nearby all of the United States manganese ores mo oxides In the United States manganese mangan-ese Is almost coextensive with the blown hematite lion ore the connection connec-tion between them being Intimate Tho largest portion Is mined In three localities lo-calities tho valley of Virginia Carl osvllle Ga and Ilatesvllle Ark Many huge deposits have recently been observed ob-served in California and Tennessee The production of tho United States for Ibid was UJOS long tons valued at 53635 Committee Stopped Lynchings London July 29M D Conway has presented to the antllynchlng committee commit-tee the report ot his iccent visit to America He says that ho does not doubt that the agitation of Miss Ida Wells and the formation of an English committee has had a good effect In America the crimes having nearly this appeared In some of the Southern States where no suggestion Is now heard ot the negro propensity for rape Springs which was called to take action ac-tion on the money question Conventions Conven-tions at Plattsbuig Marshall Llnneus Chllltcothe Hlgglnvlllp and Mexico elected out and out freoBllvcr coinage advocates basis ou tho unlimited 16 to 1 m |