Show i EXCITEMENT IN COURT Jr Attorney Asked a Witness if Ho Was wLv Armed e < ardlton Mo July 20 There were plqnW bt vacant seats In the court S hout1 this morning when the tilal of the Taylor brothels began So far Itt It-t i v testimony has been brought dutjaml most of the people here to at tendJthe Ulal have heard It once be toiejg TMsfafternoon during the crossex ubliuitlDu of Jerry youth the man from AilJ riTsiiB wno captuied the Taylors ettt riley Conkllng asked All > ou tlm u Air South il8 none of your business said SOuh but I know my lights in this couifnnd If the Court cannot protect local am capable of protecting my selff seifIhere There was a moment of excitement andlirthe Court rapped for older and said r Such language Is not peimlsst bio In this court 1 will not allow the Witness to be Insulted Mr Conkllhg I wlnt you to keep out of this ciossex nifilnatton and stop these side re maiks stored 7Al > ologles followed and quiet was re |