Show ELIJAH SMITHS PROJECT Scheme to Secure Control of the 0 R N Portland Or July 28Time OregonIan Oregon-Ian says When Elijah Smith president of the Oregon Improvement Company left this city two weeks ago for New York It was announced that he was to visit that city mainly for the purpose of reorganizing the board of directors chosen at the recent election which turned down the Slatbuck administration administra-tion I Is now understood that Mr Smith Is inleresllng himself In the at fairs of the Oregon Hallway Navlga ton Company too and that his present visit to New York City lay result in another surprise equal In interest If not results to that occasioned by his victory In the Oregon Improvement Company election I said that Mr Smith started for New York sooner than he had expected at thc tequest of certain stockholders In the Oregon Railway Navigation Company and that efforts have been made for several months even before ho secured control ot the Oregon Im provemenl Company gain his consent con-sent to head 1 contest for control of the i Oregon Railway Navigation Company Com-pany panyI Is not Impossible that a majority of the stock In the Oregon Railway Navigation Company might go to support 1 sup-port Mr Smith In a light for control I was given out two months ago that an effort was being made to reorganize the Oregon Railway Navigation and i put Its affairs In such a shape thai It could be taken out of the hands of tho i court and receivership It was further said thai Major McNeil the receiver and general manager would probably be made president of the new company Major McNeil was In New York city 1 few weeks ago accompanied by his attorney at-torney W W Cotton of this cIty The visit was made in the Interest of reorganization reor-ganization I has been learned that the Union Pacific Company has become quite I factor in tho reorganization and It Is believed thai tho McNeil people fear that the reorganization might result In the Oregon Railway Navigation Company again falling Into Its hands |