Show = A VERITABLE STRONGHOLD Indians Encamped in an Impregnable Im-pregnable Position All Accounts Agree That Thero Has Been No Bloodshed at Jacksons Hole Since tho Indians Wore Killed May Bo n Clash of Authority Author-ity Between Wyoming and the 1edcral Government Washington July 29Tho following dispatch Hum Indian Agent Teeter dated Hex burg Ida near Maiket Lake July fctii was icceivcd today On the 27th Inst 1 met Sheillt law Icy heal Hex burg returning from Jacksons Hole wneio he hud been sent to ascertain whether settlers had been killed by Indians Hawley states the settluis had not been molested by the Indians who ale supposed to have been camped about forty miles from I the settlement In practically an i Impregnable position Thieve Is no doubt of the fact that a large body of Lemht Indians joined the other Indians In Hobuck canyon Speaking of the Indian disturbance In northern Wyoming General Scho held today expressed the opinion that with discreet management the Indians In-dians would soon surrender and return to the reservation The only way they could cause trouble Is by scattering scatter-ing In the mountains but he thought unlikely they would precipitate hostilities hostili-ties now the soldiers arc coming Speaking of the dispatch from Market Mar-ket Lake stating that the Jacksons Hole settlers would be arrested and tried for the killing of several Indians accused of violation of the Wyoming game laws Commissioner Browning said he knew that no steps were being taken In this direction lie added the Indian office would welcome the legal test of the right of the Indians to kill game In defiance of the State laws If the courts decided that tho law Is superior to the treaty of the United States Government with the Indians the matter will be settled and we will be very glad of It he said |