Show CLASH OF AUTHORITY Wyoming Omcaro to Bo Prosecuted ior Killing Indians Market LaKe Ida July 2t1It Is evident evi-dent from the present Indian situation that there Is danger of a clash of authority au-thority and that the present Held movements will be followed lively wi e folowed by a lvely battle In the courts Governor lilch ards of Wyoming Insists that the Indians In-dians will be taught that when they are In Wyoming they must obey the State lawn Ho objects to having the settlers of northern Wyoming harassed har-assed und frightened by bands of Indians In-dians Indian Agent Teeter on the other hand made an Investigation for the Government and asserts that the Indians In-dians uie In the right and have authority au-thority to hunt In Wyoming under their treaty of IbGT These differences cannot be settled by the troops I Is learned from a reliable re-liable source that there Is a auiprlso In store for the settlers who believe the troops are only going to that section to protect the settlers from the Indians I Is stated that Indictments will bo swont out against every one of the settlers set-tlers connected with the killing uf the Indians who tried to escape while under un-der arrest This Is In line with the lec ommendutlon made by Indian Agent Teeter In his olllclal report of the oils Inal trouble The settlers will be put on trial for taking the Indians lives und In this way the longmooted question ques-tion of authority In Jacksons Hole will eventually icuch I legal settlement No mall his been received irom Jack Ions Hole this week Tho Uago which brings It out once a week Is now lour days overdue and nothing has yet been heard from I Just before the arrival of the troops a number of Indian runners started for the Jacksons Hole country to war their friends and relatives and endeavor endeav-or to get then out of there ofore the soldiers arilveir They were peaceful Indians and went with the idea that A the Hoops would open fire on tho first Indian t seen General Oopplnger through Indian Agent Teeter sent to the regency for more Indians to over takelthcsc runners and explain to them to gvon < and tell the Indians that I there peaceable they would not bo Yerc It la the Intention of the ttoopsjto prevent any blood being shed by clh r side If possible and endeavor to gglHhe Indians to return quietly to thelrJresen atlons I crvlons If > |