Show 1 La n AM OLD Hcr rTEAD II elpr tau F al IA L t v i i I > > r 7C l > nd Ilmira t ii I rv i atc yl 1 ci at-c I ito tae ttat t tlt Amlril bn math J ijan v ith tLa quito forgot r ri Sjirnish church at St Au ib li t old cathedrals how r < u TslnfT 10 Ie I rintyipry haVent Ie ° u i ovoit that iri old hnt t1 V iu v H j h c nprnUon after iurr of ilielrt irivo Xiotii born I vv s vied through the perils of teeth T croup and all other midnight vlirrrs have hil Rirlct fcvr and got rcclltwoa I diphtheria for which the viiL Etioamcr liE1 iiatt rod from thu rhuadlo and a mothfrs heart hus 1rokcii a house where little boys have I pkiyed around in summer with stubbed toes cr havo built snow fort In winter have fj bt vrih their brothers and other bcya i have grown up into the squavhy hobbledehoy period have mar ricd and gone nway n house which has had happy brirfj happy mothers and I mourning wiUo 3 an 1 which iAl offers of-fers ti coy warm shelter to ita own I this is ar antiquity far more interesting rr t lJi J t 7 i I 0 fO 1 < 1 i r oO r f 4Z I t t t Ar t J f a J alt i 1 VfI IIi t iatw r lpclt I t L r r lAI Vr t 1 I 01 lfitY + yT JoJ U4 J iV = 4 rUCTErIEn MVSflin I M TTBA VAJ JT r than any coMf ited rid cathedral which was ever built t iUi the money twisted out of ttia vmvhii hauL of a halfFtnrved peasantry Tli 5 oldest horne < cad of this kind in America is the Teller house at JIuvtca wan Dutchcss county N Y of which n picture is here given It is still held by the heirs in n direct lino from old Roger Brett who built it in 1700 Perhaps Per-haps it Isnt right to call him old seeing see-ing that he built it for his bride who was tho daughter of Francis Rotnbout who was n pretty big man in his day I lieTITS a rih merchant in New York awsvViaok In the hut part of tho even teetVu century llo was mayor of the town and owued a lot of property on Dc Hcrrts Staat whith he probably considered a fairly good investment What would Mr Rombont have paid if I ho could have foreseen that the Herrcs Staat was to be the Broadway of modern mod-ern 1 < sw York whereon one front foot is worth what would have been a fortune for-tune in those days This Francis Horn bout whoso cniy daughter married Roger Brett was the man who with Oiulian Ver Planck scoured from his Christian majety King James II a patent for 10000 acres of land extending extend-ing as far north ao Poughkccpsie In thoM days Thomas Dongan was viceadmiral of Nc v York Some seventy sev-enty years after ouout uieii uiouuru built houses would be tumbling down this homestead was occupied by Robert Bretts soninlaw who was quartermaster quarter-master for a pestiferous rebel named 0 < jorfre Waihinston Salt and provisions provis-ions were stored in its collars and ragged I I rag-ged continental soldiers slept in rows on the floors of its spacious chambers The old mansion was tho ancestral homo of I nac Teller and hla sister Mrs R U Van Kleeclc Itisnow owned iy Mi Robert Fulton Crary of Pough ccepsic X Y Mid is in an excellent > tate of preservation although it is 183 years old |