Show KILLED BY HORSETHIEVES fad George and Coughlin Surrounded WAS HIT DURING A FUSILADE Duwes Was ExMarshal of Evan ston and Stage Was the Echo Constable Con-stable Waiting for Daylight to Make tho Attack When tho Assassins Assas-sins Opened Eire Calverly and Taylor Survival of tho Posse Ran Out of Ammunition and Wore Compelled to Retreat Leaving Their Dead Companions on the Piold Bandits RUled the Dead Bodies and Took Their Guns Escaping Es-caping to the Hills Will Never Bo Taken Alive Uvanston Wyoming July 30Xo ONunl slneci ihu turilblo explosion at the Ahny mines lust Mai eh has caused greater excitement In vans lon man the killing today of exCuy Maisnal iMiwant Dawes of this city and Constable nonius Htagg or Echo Utah ihe uead men hud voluntarily puistied Fied Ueorge anti Pat tough nn time two young Utah hoinethleeu J < L dispatch Horn Wasutch last nlgnt to Deputy Sheilll Calverly announced that Ueorge and Coughlln seie neai at hand tutu could be lound on Duck Itinlr 1 tin in mIl > M 11111 tluimt flt Wasutch und twelve miles fiom ISvunston Accordingly Deputy Hheilll Calverly together with N 1C Dawes Thomas Stugg and William Taylor Immediately Im-mediately rcj > aimed to the locality where the outlaws wele supposed to be In a deseited shanty formerlY occupied by Ernest Palmer 1 lancher Ariivlng at their destination at 130 this moinlng the deputies disposed them solves so as to Invest the shanty which the outlaws were presumed to occup The deputies awaiting daylight day-light were shortly after apprised of the presence of the outlaws who were lust attracted by the appearance of Dawes who unconsciously exposed himself to their view whereupon a fu sllade ensued resulting In the death of Dawes and Stagg Deputy SheilUs Calverly and William Wil-liam lied Taylor the survivors of the party wore leSt without ammunition when the fhlng ceased and abandoned their watch to go to Vnsatch and tele gruph for help When news of the tragedy reached Evanston volunteers quickly responded to the call for aid and went at once t the scene of the encounter where after thoroughly riddling the shanty with bullets practically making u sieve of It they cautiously approached theca the-ca ln und found It vacant During the absence of the deputies George und Couglln had availed themselves them-selves of the chance t escape not however belore lobbing the dead boules of the two deputies Dawcs and Stngg taking their guns and ammunition am-munition thus liicieasing tnelr opportunities oppor-tunities lot lurther leslscance In Limo case of Stagg they overlooked u le oiver that lay partly under him I I is believed that a hot trout Cal verly either hit one of the outlaws or struck the gun In his hands us ho itms seen to stagger and drop the gun At all events me desperadoes have thus tar escaped and gone to the hills taking tak-ing with them their Jaded horses which I Is presumed can stand no great Journey While there Is hope of their Immediate Immedi-ate capture the desperation that has s far characterized their actions heads people here to believe that other and moro serious trouble may follow entailing en-tailing further loss of life One thing Is certain two dead men lie at the morgue in Evanston who were yesterday full of life and hal no appiehension whatever that their end was near Dawes was a Grand Army lan 43 years of age and leaves a widow Stagg was nn old pioneer 63 years of age with a grown family lie was a man whom every one loved and le speoted There Is a deep feeling of resentment re-sentment against the ones who have caused their dire taking orr I Is Idle l to presume that either of the murderers will bo taken alive Tnelrs will be a light to the death I captured alive they are almost certain to be lynched to the neai est pole that will support a cross beam Deputies Glbbs amid Smith of Salt Lake arrived safely tonight from a search for the renegades through the i his cast of here This posse under Sheriff Hardy and Sheriff Wilght of Weber county not being able to secure a special train to nvanston arrived here at 1 05 tonight Consultations were held and It was determined de-termined to leave tomorrow morning at daybreak Rumor has It that while the olllcera were In consultation Patsy Coughlln one of the murders appeared In town took a drink and after listening listen-Ing to various condemnatory remarks regarding his character departed Sheriff Hardy repudiates such statement state-ment as an Impossibility but many believe be-lieve I here The posse with The Tribune Trib-une correspondent leave for Wnsatch tomorrow morning |