Show ocal Lightning Ii rte for the herald ° r J ier tho llEHAtD docs all kinds f i I I k ou ehort notice 1 p of all kinds and fruits taken V i Mpilon Patronize yonr home V hi 1 tlua help your town U a I 1 mt n blcyclo call at this officer office-r u III give yon liberal terms and I 4 i h i taut a sewing machine at a I r call on the management at and receive quotations NERY Now is your time tot i Wo have a full Una of trim ut l it the lowest prices ever offered Mns MARSH IENXIEL CONCLAVE KulghlB s Boston Mass Anguat 20 to 10 it flist class limited faro for il Selling dates August 17 to I live limit returning September wf M tho dance everybody pater te industiy wo hare a new tutor bring UB your material log quilts and we will quilt CO and 75 cents each acorcilnp t quilting Ml at Malcolm I and 8BU our samples Leave Ir > quilting Respectfully Mrs ire Miss Miner |