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Show , r : i 4 -- f THE BOHEMIAN ", , Woi-dr'u- AM. j! !io"' Mil IN H Thotwia &i t ?. '..i t ish, Irande Western 'hiliman and B'ci-ppi- s TJ; Puna U n S 8:ftinm ' sluoh, m, ' ' 3:W a .r I: rs J.l: i'j'r:af:.r.Lyli' i: ; :Sii S.SSw mci-- . m lily. j a caJeci co l:0ir 12 4.) S. I'.'.ii.j.-.ar- ti F-- . f i : t.r i.i t t d ii : osu is ' sV-- ' a 'ej A i Vc , f I i A Loli the . ij i " lilt iu:ac;t . 1 . ; ..i, in jI.hv- - n f ren h::ve been .nes-ntlj- nv - . u S:80im 8:Klpic 8:lUim S:6Cuir 2:WlRl - OF INTEREST TO LADIES. We offnr no iipnlogv in nncinsr In A fore you Ths LadlsY 5a fs Pra'Sflor," i! 111 Vouuty, is ahs ilnte r rcimhl". (rij'isinil. The scientists of Victoria, Knos dues nor. liecnme misplaced andexcited are UL, considerably county, uroection. Coo ho worn aln-over the discovery of a strangely formed desired without, oliservntinn or S. stone. This relic is now owned by ledge of an it tier and prevents dm 1L Russell, a merchant of Victoria and under ccnain congrecab aannoyanuo you will quite a collector of relics. Mr. Russell ditions. if you u- e if. f iirhfu says that the relic was found in the bed never l wit bout it. It is safe and rei b friend whenever of a creek in his township, and he Ve firm in his opinion that the stone is thr needed by special cireuniBtinc? artu-- e evert ' its use. It Is an petrified head of a man. The materia! quirlu wi.man should keep read-- 'fwr t J, is rather soft, but the resemblance is re- tiled Id te use. It Is sinjiie to ns- -. aM Other were inclined markable. coihdmicft to t lie woman usinspires con the decide to scoff, until finally reliable and c ( iilifica Iv Ills it. ing troverfey the stono was forwarded to mode, Insures prolei.tiou with nit to health, a- - any g-- d phy ieiau would say. We nre uf ths opinion bar. no artirle Ins ever made wlil-l- : will give aa mncii snilxfuc or, ro the woman of a Ths X&dlu1 Sif Prateetnr The Immense JTl-- i of Lliia article Is a s;b.anLl)tl iiidnrae-me- i r claim. Do ni-- t therefore or-.c- pater-s- e a new illter, Iring us yonr material Jog quilts and we will qoilt and 75 cents each, aeording ..f quilting. Rail at Malcolm & SO Leave Mrs. & Miss Miner. in-jiu- T nf-ju- experiment witlia-- y of the nutnrr ue nrtu-lesns it Is both din gerund to hn.ul li and exper3iv lo do o Such expsiimenHn-J- ' enn only in io of time, diN:ippofnt,m m snd cli mM 'allure. Ladle should r member this before ordnrlng other vnoiisaud not waste their time and innnnvnn infcrloi artlrhn. Th hesi !:twav the ehe4peitt. Tk Ltiiei Sills Protictsr Is sold under u pi.slt iv. joiiran ce lor nsc fur .i year; wi'l. ful' directions iud Is sent sesh d i; X STBONO BE8XMBLANCZ. y of wrapper upon plain President John II. Finley, of Knox colorder forts. 00. thr. e for tS.WJ at onen lege, with the request that he coll the Do not. wait but. ordi-attention of Trot. Starr, of the Chicago Addo s. Tm La Cuo-sSrsciALy university, to the relic when the pnv Jo., La Cross Wls fessor next visited Ualesbarg to deliver his university extension lecture. In Where It Want. this letter Mr. Russell eloquently Mrs. Ecrstyle I gave yon more matedilates on the expression of the left rial to make this dress than I ever used eye, on the clearness of the cheek in a garment before, and the skirt is muscles, and on the fa :t that when first fall enough to fit a churn. How discovered traces of vertebra) were vis- hardly does this happen? ible on the back of the neck. lie added Dressmaker (shrugging her shoulalso as a circumstance in proof of the Maidamo insee sted on having se ders) of the petrifaction that a sleeves in so genuineness height of xe fashong. petrified foot inclosed in a petrified Chicago Tribune. moccasin was found near the place where tlx head was picked up. Prof. THE Starr, who is a learned enthnologist and is curator of the museum o the Chicago university, examined the relic Gauge with great interest. lie pronounced the resemblance very remarkable, hut RAILWA71 concluded that it was not a man's head, but was simply the result of nature's operations. The stono is about eight inches long and five wide. Mr. Russel' is not yet convinced, but that, though geologists may dhfer, he U ROCKY more firmly convinced than ever that the head is a petri faction. unre-lbl- e . FORE SALK acres of farm lands In the Fork new survey for cash, hay, - merchandise. Euqulre of J. 8. Fayscn, Utah. 11 . DOS T STOP TOBACCO. Care Yourself While Using It bscco habit grows on a man urn rvous system is serioosly affect- bring health, eomfort and hap To quit suddenly is too soveie a 1 the system, as tobacco, to an a stimulant system canttnually erases. Bale a scientific cure for the tohac in all Its forms, carefully com I aflei ths formula of an eminent Iuyslcian who has used It la his yrsctlce since 1872, without a partly vegetable aad guaranteed ; harmless. You ean use ail the on want, while taking Baeo-- . will notify you whan to step, a written guarantee to pt ruiuu-ir- s any case with three boxes, or 19 money with ten per mat Cure Is nut a siitislitot'' iulil;fv.re, that cures win f will and w'th a, inc . Ii loari s th ay m si a. f: ui ,ip t'i - :i i .r first chew or sui e. Sn 1 h anr lrj cln.l i,i,- - . r,. 1.00 per ncx, thr. bnX. (.!: irt Uuieut,) 82,50, or (lit t lip pt Of pi ice. SKXD SIX T WO CXXT FOB Bill PLI BOX, BOOKLET AKU ntu. Eureka Chemical & Mailing Compeny, La Lrosce, WU - - - di-vr- v 'v- -' re-el- pt exure--mone- r : X: j Sot W My iio. rs. t.i ur-t- i ;Tv , -" -- I A, v-- T TTjf :i iaasra l viL ta . rw.4 co PRAVV, Secrctsry, E!-sr- L. t. WEEKLY XEWS FOR OF THE WOIil, II LITTLE 510NET, FOB A TRIFi.E, N. Y. WEEKLY - CrL'URAL dcpH.-tcn'i- it andart events ot foreign es MOUNTAINS! VrfAOUbtaj I a Not long ago soys thi Ci.i:..duipLL a local collfc.tor, lm.a let. taro it rare interest only Lis inotl inUmsta friends are allowed to see, ee possession of about twenty L,tlort of a Record, SPECIAL D0NTR.ICT enables ns to offer K : l!!03T MAGNIFICENT RAiLRSAD SCENERY 1L gurai u-'- nuts!!. 1,Ti,.;Mi dm . -- Hum? Iwi..-.- . this splendid fogrnvl ' a:; i au.1 One year for only $2.25, rnS TELI.K3 than ar.y MAN!-'?:- , v ttkav,-an- half-rtnrre- tl l K.'.ed v x. Cash In Advance. r. (Tidi rtgcla;- ubscript'c n fer the (wo papers is SoB3CRIPlTDX8 MAY BiSGIT AT ANY TIE. ! haul: of a S3.C3.J peasan'ry. ' d Tli , - which t.::s eve - uilt vl'.ii Iwis'.ed cut of I'.a r'.ivL-.'i.- j ad of this hind in Address all orders to .lUlost lioino -- ui.sTey. Amc-i'-ai- -. h''rie at M...,ea-wan- , THE IIEKALD, Spanish Fork, Utah, K. Y., of which a picture is here given. It is Rti.i held by the hci.N in a ii reel line from old Ilut.-hcs- , s Writ your nsm and address on a postal ear!, send it to Gao. W. Rr:-- t Roger i.vtt, who built it in. 1 .'09. Persee- Ibvau 2, T;(f nnp haps it i .nt right to ci1 1 him Builiing, NwY-.rJ- ' City, and sample copy of Tn Nsw ing taiaa t he bni it it f. r Li.i bride, who ii j'JGUCNE id bi RlUllcd J0U a was tiie daughter of T ren-.iResr.hout, v. rr in his who as ii pretty li!g :::i day. in New York He is a ri Ii 'r. m. .layY-.i la tho t purl i.f th j aw:1 ' tJ the irr.Tury. lie war. town and otvnud a lot of i--i ij.eriy on it . De Her ref, Ptnat, whi'.'.: he p.j'.wbly H T iu;:;ji:r-:- : of !i considered a good inveSiiaent. What ivoulti Tir. RomWmt have raid if I he could havo foreseen thr.t the "Herrcs of mod' Staaf was ti he the ern X.?v7 Yo.:, v. .i .r.on ne front foot KL-:r would have been a foris wor.h s tkt Rom-bou-t, .Is Thi" those tune in days? whose only daughter married Ti ' n Roger Rrett, was tlx man who, with his ECnred from Ver Pinncl;, Ginlian , mr.jc-.tyKing .fe.mos IL, a : 11 acres of land extendfor 13,000 ti patent ns infcTior no as mere north Ocsb soil thas Pou"hl:crpsio. Tjf ing far In thf36 days Th..mus Thmgan was V? Esvur cpoCs tiie four, l::cp3 sort, is ssi- of New York. Some sew crlr.-i- r Lr' .I rrrA H Hv vzrl'X. modern- enty yeara' uiterr aixjut built houses wuuU be tumbling down, Jy. v; Mafic ecu t7 CFTLCE CD., SctYKS. this homestead was oecnpieil by Robert --.v. 'A r ncry by 61 qnarter-mastewho wr.s j yracri r.retts for a pestiferous rebel named C gorge Salt and provisions were stored in its cellars, end ragged continental soldiers slept in rows on the floors of its spacious chembers The old mansion was tho ancestral Teller nnd his sister, homo of Mr. Ii. Ik Van Uxeck. It Is now owned Dcaver & Gr&nde rnlton Crury, of lough-terpsiy r.Iv'i. Robert N. Y., r.::d is in aa excellent Railway , ,tato cf preservation, although it is 188 years old. fa O&eo, School, usd Eccnio Linp of tbe Wo. Id jftniljalto Kdw from Cover to Cover .Si teetnorrfi The Tlilrteea Sapcntltlja- ? "tuMffo... two ; is It said this strange superstition 1! '1,1 Btmndsr rf ' extends swey hack to the tbnn of King TT. H. (iov't I Arthur. V. hen the pood British king in; uAlce. tt C. ; . r.i. Supremo Coun, founded the famous r.ai iid Table, he of nwrly ail : t:-:-i COLOr.lIC fIT.iNGS . isl requested Merlin, the enchanter, to BcbooUiooki. tiie :.cata. Merlin arranged one Warndy re Cf I'. cetto represent the apo-t.lc- s; DtllM twelve 7:-K v (J Bni.eriiitend: were for the faithful adherents of Je:.:c-Curis-t li1 Prhool. if .si'..'I., jy.. other EAdcxioif and the thirteenth forthctral.. r t 7:11 I!' most without v... Judas. Tho first were atiroci:iipi-.'- : her. save by the knights distinguished tor li 4 I THE 6 B2ST FOR EVERYEC7 their achlerccxat, and when a BECNUCK t . 0 occurred among them tlx scat reir . ; .c d It la ta;- - to find the word waniid. I vacant until a knight, snrpassinj; j;.. Wc.'m.iKTiBti:arewnct.l4wbi4lch.('.(S: i .. I'i4rsalarr.cil .,w n heroic and T7ar-lil:- o . r 11 KtCpAn.lltbl.aiilUjIw'litff ILlty,. y f hould be considered t. hd t'.e ,K coxy to certain tho proncniU'.-- i :. 'mo viOTirmctt!oa tlirrtloCM by A lace. If an unworthy knight wgh. nMricwlkltm un In ttw he vnennt chair ho was repel!.' 1 naunil. in Uulit In fh. r . g , !. IUl erne magic power. The thir'.r.f?-.11 to of a r . tree tho growth easy cat was never occupied t:it 5 r.. " h j . . iSEfi'-ps!mopooip-.w.ill w. in . goes that a lmaghty ;nt me, l.,n n,.nl jjrj lu lb. onUrnlnp, oCUwir xmwC, fjnai uc .v. iTjvra down trace a knight rat Si . '(. 1 v. i hr as immediately It is easy to learn wbot o word meor.-.-f.. irth. Ever after was k-- r. n r 4 1. , u:- 97yd2nUlnn4.rcrer.nwll(it..ndSin, I and, brar:; i .hi perilous knights of the Round Table r.r; ) t 'ij i G. A C. MESSIAH CO., PMUnhtr. .id to have boon, not one ever ha.l the SpxlngieM, Mam., V.8.A. h cb:.toritonthe l.T s -- h..--.- seven-tecn.-- - vy-V- 33 Hi 4 $ ! 4 r'i 'tf'Z. .tip Chi-btia- V; m yice-admir- al '(--- vri-i-- a' f t son-in-la- THE' Webster5 Eio e. latematioxs; m . v.-- ir.;-;-.::- i r;-.:-- , - T- . m . d-- u.i 8 - ' V.-- 1 aI rksif-.ti-- . i. r-- .tcd thirtpv ':-n-- e SoK-oit- a PCM, (to, mat oa .reHsation, M'DouoMwrchHorqHlBtootaai.-ko- Greg:;.-- , i and u,. Yes. r, . i Dr- ,- ' hi.-- I di. but I gu thick. for I D. 1 1. l.d j 1 T t k a as he tore r J. I : ; u .1 f!'- l . r ' i I 3 r .'. ' i, I 'vb-ft- 1 Two doors wmih i.l lLvk ii 'vd imd.bd opf. hyi i : mii v.irlnus SPANISH FGRX, b U-- - t. lr i st d i:.'-,- ' t c 11: ( .i. t froti Ji.n- - In. r:- - ffri). i( 1 n to Harr's tin i. ib. c pf-- . wiiu-iL ..iF'i bus re- -; - 1 to v 7 ' n r pt .okiliUl t X(A , . 0uw...tX Brins your -- EKiTtltV by 'i.- Hoi-- ' V. - 1. joi-- ' work i sn-,- 1 I ATI ) j.jfkl.'-- ; ;lif- 1 ed Attorney at Lav. y ).(r!iorrb (dd! 1 tou-- MIUC. r!!rvs, hiiC ; s , M M. STULL, l.) Z - O' lli,,n? ti;: , '.. :Ci . T-hs- t-r I - ! A ! i'. t The . fr,- .jl; i..v i - IGiugtli-R- . 1.; .iiC- - .,aia. i.i ,,! f Lav-- I , - r i . , .. . x. COCHRAN. - MANTI, 11 ,1 ( it r D!-- .1-- 1. Mool. J" , Sjt1 y.iung wife, vsnd was too revolutionary hero which were most valuable historically on aooouat of ths Tgo Fast Kipress Trains Paflf saw light they threw upou some disSMS WIT IH1UI puted points. Their number, however, necessarily reduced their Individual SALT LAKE AND DENVER. OGDEN, commercial value, so ten of them ware without having consigned to the even been copied. Tbs value of the re- :L2AT iiECUrilkS CHAIR MF.S! maining ton was, of course, enhanced S',1 or OUlM.a greatly ly this course. To such collectors tho money value of a letter ia Iter tree cut. Cwuitstltsi null la Unlca Dopsta the only point to be considered, and SnoiT'v i'heu get one of those hand-paintones. Thick. they do not hesitate to make any sneri-fio-e (K1 B3ET TX0Z0C92LT HCIPPXI) stlLWlT U TUX WEST. that will increaoe this value. Many ccri.iu very important historical lettors have ( 0,aD0E9B, A. J.B.XS3UEX to ia the swim one mg order B.TELBY, In get reswtly been dutroyed in this way. xr.tr.s first come out. Truth,"- - Z - 1 t f Attorney at - , ,? I v W 1! . s . FV.VVW sre. 9 Br l OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOtp; he foresaw c .:n when you tency " off - Di ins VTOXIJh (f and dircussious are eonpruhenjive, bridisut IIERtLD f.r Cholei of Three Distinct Routes, x.t-a- in lands in a - ..THROUGH THE.. w-it- TRIBUf i: FAMILY PAPER, aud gives ail the Jir.snosuprrl-'- ?' hausiire. ie-su- 't uic-.'Tiii- " cmm outboriy. fb'pnrate ihpartcbMu Cikcls." 0cb Young Foi.K3" ami Sctxnx and ..ischaxkw.I s Socieyi" eoiiiuTis eom.t:j'J t 'eadinirAiiimaf wir.s aiid il'.ngVers knr -- - r j.9 W Isth losing R'pntdicsn famllv rly and ass our samples. la .i Ftite. It is i NATIONAL United Stslfd. It give the J AGR to-da- y bu corns it-- TWINS. STRONG KESEMELANCE. StoarliLble Kto Vieovrad la Knox 01 1 It nier U- - . Till BOHEMIAN TiEXXIEL CONCLAVE Knights . Boston, Mass., August 26 to 30, i Hist darn limited fare for p. Selling dates August 17 to :ive; limit rotor ning September . The of ti.- Si. r quilting. Respectfully, v. :Xi Sf , n Spanish Foru, n tah. Rnit 'n 'ha B nh Kx .miueriof thi at p H(-- : ii of m Biv kof i j:t nl . e tf business June 29. 1895. uent a sewing maehlne at s call on the management at . I -- . Miiti.r -- Canu!tc4 i :. . civic os .e:C GTiEAT VALUE -- and receive quotations. hERY Now la your time foi We have a fall line of v it the lowest priws ever offered. Mbs, Uabsh. . uii (k'itmHl news, editorials 4:4.Viu 4:10 in :46pa. everybody wo have rrt Wi?--m ail lot a:i to S, . BANK OF SPANISH FORK, thellerald. i the chaneo industry; 1 hi-i- J rt v ivt.xf.i,iNc,Ji. REPORTS" thort notice. of ell kinds aad fruits tekeo Ip' lion. Fatrenlis your home ; itiua help poor town. a w'int bicyele call at this office J1 give yon liberal terms and r . -- 1ML0K Uub... i'.gv , 01 y, .' er t ile Hebald dose ell kinds 1' . if tha &: 5 lVKOLE?ALE PRICES - rf - v, FOR GALE EV deal 'Lightning, ' mu 7a frvjit. n, . ) 4 rifafem .iViM:"iv;i s k.j tat fctfl'.l.ir-.-"-t'. m: -- k . t!tcr 'v'r-hua-.l- io Ar.-en- t i A-- W:v. i A ' A. ' . .'.I- t- - bc-v- i- SV-ep- for ia ; . few- ri-l- alike, show no traces of their nation, ality. As will be seen from the cut, the first impression is that lh"y ar two perfectly fuiined individuals with connection at the hips, but an invest! gation proves that this is not the case; for, although the upper parts of their bodies are separate, the backbones grow together in the region of the im avd raiixasx umvtoaii coccyx, and there is only one pelvis; however, there are .EY, On, Passenger Ik pt strangely enough,of two. Therefore, four legs instead dee, IjI M:il a St., Salt Lake Cllj 46,171, C5 : ?ON, Ascot, Spanish Fork. we have not two complete beings that B I, G.'o. a Gilbert, cashier of he ink cl S. H. H. CuAIiK. have grown together, but two half tv. MlSK, Fork.dosolt tnnlysweir llvvl iheahoii Spanish Oltysr are that female bodies, so to apeak, E. KLU my AXDXHSuK, lU'mrnt 1 true to ihe best of my linowltiie Jons Vi. VoAVt, developed only os far as the j'irdbrlii-fnormally Gao, O. Gu.dekt, Cashier. Eksdk lex K. CoaneaT, hips. Under the circumstances a separlit cei vers RWi.ru to befuro mo thlr 11th a ation by means of surgical operation C. Gen. Pea and Ticker Acent, .ON, Gar Mgr , Ourntia, Ncbrosk. wan impossible. When one half of this lay of July, IKS. Sauxl CnnxiBV.Puhllft unfortunate double creature dies, the Ni.uny other sister must soon meet Urn same Commlsriou expires April 10, lusf. f L a.:: i rTS bom, tl.i'ci.j'h t.:e ytrllii of teeth-n-- , mi-.end nil othc r midnight trnrld that fw-- r and got have i c,'",..6i i.i r hrcical r' Li phtV.reli f u-- uhieh tiio (it WCT' . !! L'jVh f - i i ' i of f.mdi, J Lnr. i. .it, red from the c 1 104 as many i end a lwt'-.-v'- j heart has JtathS i i, lioi.fo where lit ila boya have I-Ior-- i plnyed p.ivjnil in surnnK-- with blubbed tees cr hare built snow forte in winter; la wl:ii their broti-.er- s and DeoMaFccS, It h! have ht I! i.f erlifi othr-- r u; cil; 1. v.in:., the have into grown i up ' r. ( w '.vrjf-wheel st.:ivijiT hobblc-dchc1 1. .'. ceatsrd, tkua redaning Irktioa In fir;na-..-lrperiod; hr vn marmiulnu-atiio ried end goo away; a house whi-.-- has VJC:!V3 FC!3 CCULARG. hail happy bri...-- s happy me:1 rs and L.ldof-f.r-s ww z, an. 312 EEUiEa HACEES CO. sroumiih TH3 u vi..y, w:..-:shelter to its own OaiziL V . Boim, Hoax tl FnmrSfTr.iv, X. T this is av far more interesting LuOA'.Alu. Si.Loi'U.Kn. DiiuanLJ. tiu kSAXnvo, 1'al. Arran 1. 00. si iw.toi. .'.kT').:.Ta:!Ajer.iS.,i ravi Wr ta .... - j- crt!';v.r.ryT hrAoa"t oi.l lio?io ifcas IJ. li v. o' i hi ' r--- ..v. 1:60)10. epbi I:l6prr Juab JTMVe 1 Arrive l:Olpir Uirai Osaia 1 Arriva I Milford I Xiave Bifldin f arrive 6:tU:. .'.t Leave) 4.UMD Frisco t wmth of Jusb run dxily except Sunday to Chlcam Iican Pslsce to. improved Tour at Sluepem chair cars. E Irgautday oo li a viieruiiua b la ri' car serv o .tt :Jkm f i. Arrive I . Men Csti l! j To Cpmum?i Fdr M Tmni an'u-guit- North Bound Aifiv Parson J raw." I LassUs?) BANK STATEMENT- . i 18911 33, Skit Lake lilly handy Lehl Junction AmcriiWi Fork Pleasant Grove Provo spsulah Fork riAD. r li:..; r:u THI TB&0CG1I C1B 1INI. PTATION.H lv. .... Urhi Running Union Pacific System. uM wit Ytiuf I .i d . Silver Pity 6;15m I2M. Gen. Pm. ana 'i'lckct Agrei '.ll; Cibd In sff.'et Jane t IvtT.visa . h: CL'J AN -: Gi-n- . Mgr. iCK, Tnifllo Sler., g 1 Lsk City. 1C. U. Hux, Afc-n- t, riiun'.hb Fork. . .11 wi d. lii.vj x.i v S'.', e to It th- -t u rc'. ...'.19 v. u- - vc 1 1'.. d a fTT"''-t - .1 -- is l.".l - I ry .f Arl-oss'- S:4upr 0:! ion M.imiiiolb K 6.1 SAliL.'he Il Kiuni H:7Km rm Provo A:3pm Bpruifrellle G:Sam Bn2imiipsnitihForkH:l7m 6:Mim Puyson (:( hid 8:16 pm Eureka '4am -- uni J.wipha, Josc-pha- Tht-mi- f OMun 8:Ui pin E. B- - ffei h Tram. In clfcct Marrh SI. 1KA TC .ii H 'Hi'1 Mani.na Mixe "? Jam oil all Vn No. S4, ' S Pr: .5 . mi At bj.:t: at Spoubh niatur. Fust-i-Ah-- a ii. lLi-- a ft Tbaa la Giiom luma I r..lii rs. who were lively rakilited in icuna, excited the interval, not o.ily of but (iltct of the lay public, on of tile union of their bodies. a. They were born in Skreythow, lloh-and are now fifteen years old. Th"ir parents, simple people named Rlnzol, rave them up to the French impresario Forbo, who first brought them before the public in laris, at the Theater Imperial do la Gaita, and is now taking them on a tour through Europe. , of whom we pubRosa an l lish an engraving, are not well grown for their age, but are delicate and frail Their complexions and hair are dark, and their faces, which are very much L.LTiL. tvwy Friday Motlinj Turk, rub. , l I TWIN S. .- 1- TO TdEdH-AL- D OrihOi: |