Show WARNER IS SATISFIED Free Coinage Cause is Still Growing People Are Deeply Interested and tho Agitation Will Show Results at the Polls Senator Duboiss View on tho CarpetBag Indian Agent Causa of All the TroubleCopper Production Washington D C July 20 1893 General A J Warner president of tho Bimetallic League of the United States has arrived In the city after an extended tour of the country In the Intelest of silver General Wuiner expresses ex-presses himself as much encouraged by the outlook He denied emphatically that silver is losing ground and states that the charge Is only made by the Eastern papeis I am Just back said General Warner War-ner from the sections where the light for silver Is being waged and where In the end It will be won and you may quote me as saying that the people are neither going over to the gold side of the question nor becoming Indifferent to silver The people Indeed were never nev-er before so much Interested In silver as they are at present There may not be the excitement growing out of public meetings and conventions that existed In the spring but there has been non no-n whatever of that Interest which betokens un organized purpose and upon which you may rely for good results at tho polls CAIIPETUAGGEH TO BLAME Senator Dubois who leaves tomorrow tomor-row for Idaho is very emphatic InStating In-Stating that tie light of the controvei ny between the whites and the lan nocks is entirelY with tho whiles who contend that If they me not to Ue allowed al-lowed to kill game out of season the same law shall be enforced against the Indians And right here continued me Senator wltn some warmth I walt to express my belief that this trouble would not have occurred but for tho President having unloaded a carpetbagger car-petbagger on us as Indian agent Ihe mans iiumo Is Teeter and he is Horn West Virginia and was loiced onus on-us t oblige Mr Wilson Now Teeter like all Easterners is afraid of an Indian In-dian and perhaps I Is u good thing t mistrust tnem until you get onto their tricks Teeter has piouubly Issued passes to these Ilannocks pernaps was afraid to letuse at any late me en tire tribe appeals to bo up there and having been joined by the tough bucks of other tubes uie killing game Indiscriminately Indis-criminately who Interferes and ready to kill any one But there will be no war or anything any-thing like one inures the pity nor do I believe there las been rile troops will get there the braves will promptly prompt-ly submit and be taken back to their reservation and there the matter will end fqr a time A little later the Indians In-dians will be off the reservation slaughtering game again it cannot be otherwise as long us Inexperienced men such as Teeter are appointed Indian In-dian agents and yet there are people who blame the whites for taking me matter in their own hands The extermination matel termination of the whole lazy shiftless nonsupporting tribe of iiannocks would not be any very great loss Miss Christiana Mease of Fort Du chesne Utah Is In the city W Id A |