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Show A .. (, FORTIER f ' c '' i , 9-- i - y nr BE. For the Advancement of Spanish Fork, Utah Count YOL.ll. and Utah Territory, and the Free Coinage of Silver and Fair Legislation. SPANISH FOIEK, UTAH, mil) AY, $3 FEB YEAB IN ADVANCE. AUCJUST 2, 1895. NO. 46. the troops would oien fire on the first KILLED BY HORSETHIEVES. WARNER IS SATISFIED. seen. General Ctippiuger, through Indian Agent Teeter, sent to the agency for mure Indians to overbrown hue of Annie's hair. take these runners and explain to them Police Are Unveiling the GreatImin an ndians ad George and Coughlin ree Coinage Cause is Still to gd on and tell the Indiana that If Encamped HOLMES'S LATEST RUSE. they were peaceable they would not be est Criminal of the Age, Growing harmed. It Is the Intention cf the Surrounded. pregnable Position. Letter to Quinlan, Evidently Written to blood troops shed prevent any being for a Furpoee. by either side If possible, and endeavor Belies cf Cna Llan and Two Women y Chicago. July 27. The police All Accounts Agree That Thera Has to get the Indians to return quietly to WAS HIT DURING A FUSILADE. People Are Deeply Interested and the found a letter from Holmes to Pat Turned Over to Him by Holmes Been No Bloodshed at Jacksons their reservations. Agitation Will Show Results at to which much iniiortaiice is Taken From a Dark Boom in the Quinlan, the Polls Senator Duboiss View Hole Since the Indians Were attached. The letter Is as lullowa: Dawes Was Evanof iEXCITEMENT IN COUBT. Castle Did the Fiend Murder on the Carpet-Ba- g July , 195. Indian Agent Be Authora Killed of Clash May Deer Pat: Among their other fool ston and Stagg Was the Echo ConstaCause of All the Trouble Copper .Minnie Williams's Brother, Too? theories they think you took the Pnscl Asked Between Wyoming and the Attorney a Witness if He Waa ble-Waiting ity to for Daylight hoy to Michigan and either left him them Production. t Armed. Federal Government. or put him out ot the way. 1 always told Make the Attack When the Assasnever to I do them 26. were asked 27. k There you Mo., Carrollton, Chicago, July July Inspector Fltipat-rlcsins Opened Fire Calverly and but they are bullheaded. anything on Ocbelieves it to be certain that at illegal, 12lh plenty of vacant seats In the court-huus- e 1 saw you at the factory, I Washington, D. C., July 29, 1895. 29. Tlie following leant three murders were committed in tober Washington, July Taylor, Survivors cf the Fosae, this morning when the trlul of think. Can't you show where you were General A. J. Warner, president of Indian from the castle" of Holmes, and through all Teeter, dlsjiatch Agent of Out Ran the of the month? If they QuesAmmunition and Were the Bimetallic League of the United the brothers began. Bo far littv lineages that were found It Is tion yourest or threaten tell tiitra any- dated Hex burg, Ida., near Market tle; jTsylur lew testimony has been brought Compelled to Retreat, Leaving States, has arrived In the city, after be con- thing there is to tellyou, shout this or any Lake, July 2iu, wus received thought now that Holmes can The pootner matters. They may want to know Un the 2ith Inst. 1 met Sheriff Haw- out, and most of the people here to atvicted of murder in this city. Their Dead Companions on the an extended tour of the country in tlie lice have found a man, whose name if you were in Cincinnati or Indianapolis ley, near Rexburg, from tend the trlul have heard It once Field Bandits Rifled the Dead interest ut silver. General Warner exreturning about 12th. it la well for you to October was who to but refuse divulge, they himself aa much encouraged by able to know where yuu were work- Jackson's Hole, wnere he hud been Bodies and Took Their Guns, Es- presses cross-ex-- a This afternoon the brought to the oillce of the Inspector be the outlook. He dented emphatically 1 am awfully aorry. l'at, for 1 al- sent to ascertain whether settlers bad bloat lou of Jerry during this afternoon. He told the police that ing. tne from to mail Mount, that Will silver the is losing ground, and states Hills Never caping been killed try to make things easy fur you. Indians. Hawley states Arkansas, wno lie had mounted three skeletons for ways When Minnie killed her sister, I needed the set tiers by that the charge la only made by tlie captured me Taylors, Be Taken Alive. not liad molested been were by skeletons the Jiuhneg, .and that asked: "Are you you the worst way, but would not drag the Attorney Eastern papers. Indians, who are supposed to have ainted, Mr.Conkling from bodies taken from the house of you Into 11. If the detectives would go to South.' I am just back," said General Warstreet. One of New York, as I want them to. they would been camped about forty miles from Holmes In Sixty-thir- d Is none said of it business," ner, "from the sections where the light 30. where Mlnn.e W. took them by boat. the settlement In practically an South, but 1 knowyour No Evanston, Wyoming, July these, he said, was the body of a man, find this in for silver Is being waged and where. In iny rights Pat. Une by one, impregnable position. There la no cuuk, and if the Court and the other two were women. They 1 havearedone no killing, alive. cannot protect eveut smeo tbo lurrlblo explosion the end, It will be won, and you may W. Minnie thwn In room they finding a 1 dark were taken from am capable of protecting mywill not come here as long as there is any doubt of the fact that a large body of me. the Almy mines lust March has quote me as saying that the people are Holmes's house In the night time, and danger Lemhi self," Joined Indiana Indiana the neither over other to the gold aide of of her arrested. Boston ii going being two of the mounted skeletons were re- May knows where There was a moment of excitement, caused greater excitement in nvaus-tu- the question sue is. the guar- in lloback canyon." nor becoming Indifferent man tne ot killing turned to Holmes. The third skeleton dian, Moasie H. Watt, willand anu and the Court be for at order, to silver. The people indeed were nevrapped Speaking of the Indian disturbance said: Such Edward Dawes of this city, er Is now in the possession of Inspector and safe time go to her. Let yourproper wife language Is nut permissi- Marshal before so much Interested In silver as northern Wyoming, General Scho- ble in this court, and write me anything you wish, not oftener In LoiwiauJe Thomas not ui will allow the Fitzpatrick. Echo, Btagg i are at present. There may not be expressed the opinion that witness to be insulted, Mr. Conkling. i Utah. Thu cicad men hud voluntarily they The flesh of the bodies had not been than two times a mouth, directing, 11. field the excitement growing out of public H. Holmes, county prison, luth anu Reed with discreet management Inthe when the bones from the wont you to keep out of this stripped pursued Fred George aim Fat luugu-n- meetings and conventions that exlated Philadelphia." i cannot write diana would Boon surrender and return bodies were given to the new witness, streets,letters s. and stop these side reHie two young Utan In tlie spring, but there has been no to you. I am. doing all I many the The reservation. but the faces were so badly lacerated can marks." way only alL for to Wasatch abatement whatever of that Interest I iroiu last a hear from dispatch expect shortly have iiigm cause recould end torn that identification would scattertrouble la followed wua they and Apologies by you. quiet to Deputy Sheriff Calverly announced which betokens an orgunlsed purpose, been Impossible. Give my love to your wife and Cora. ing in the mountains, but he thought stored. that Ueuige and Coughlin were near at and upon which you may rely for good The police also found an expressman Tell her i have her picture in my room unlikely they would precipitate hostiliFREE SILVER AND r'KOECTITON. to-dhand, ana could be iuund on Duck results at the polls. who was able to give what Is with me and I thank her for It. Tell her ties now the soldiers are coming. CARPET-BAGGEmiles nurtheust three of have a tame mouse and spider to keep TO BLAME. creek, believed to le Important evidence. The dispatch from Mar- Position Taken by the Kansas Silver Wasatch, and twelve miles from name of the expressman Is Charles me company. My food la the worst part ketSpeaking of the that Senator Dubois, who leaves Jackson'a the Hliall be Lake, sooner here. out ot it stating of than you vunston. Accordingly Deputy Sheriff . Humphrey, and In the month toJune, for Idaho, is very empnailo in deRepublicans. expect. They kept Mrs. P. abut up here Hole settlers would be arrested and lb93. he was hired by Holmes Calverly together with N. E. Dawes, stating that tlie right of the controverwe would have let her tried fur the killing of several Indiana six months, when 29. execuThe Union the Kan., at trunk and a box July a Tjjpeka, liver Thomas out on bail they made a fool of her. accused of violation of the and Wlllluiu Taylor Im- sy between the wnltes and Uie BanWyoming tive committee of the Kansas Repub- mediatelySlagg depot In this city. The box, according Write soon and tree. Ask to the locality nocks, is entirely with the whites, wild questions game laws, Commissioner Browning repaired to Humphrey, was taken from a dark you want to. Georgians isanyvisaing to-dlican Silver met here her where the outlaws were supposed to be contend that If they are nut to be alof a mother. Went about two weeks ago. said he knew that no steps were being and Issued a League address to Kan- In room, and had the appearance Phildeserted shanty formerly occupied lowed to kill gome out of season, the With regards to all. coffin box. This was expressed to H. H. H. taken In this direction. He added the sas Republicans, In which the financial same law shult be enforced against uie In Ernest sent was by Palmer, a rancher. The trunk while believe evithe the chain of police Indian office would welcome the legal adelphia, Indians. "And right here," continued 1:30 bidestination la their at at we thus: issue dence stated comShall have Is direction. Arriving now Pat another Quinlan against test of the right of the Indians to kill the Senator, wliu some warmth, "I this the Holmes's and be metallism will morning plete deputies disposed standas by restoring silver In defiance of the State laws. want to express iny belief that this THE SKELETON STORY. tried for murder here. "1 wont allow game the so as themselves to Invest the shanty trouble wouid not have courts decided that the law ard money, with gold, to the position it occurred but fur were The story of the man who articulated Quinlan to become state's witness to Is If which the to outlaws presumed the President having unloaded a carpet-superior to the treaty of the United occupied- when demonetized by Con- occupy. The deputies tlie skeleton Is to the effect that in escape the rope," said Chief of Police States bagger dayon us as awaiting Indian agent. Government with the Indians, gress In 1873? Or Shull monometallism, y. "1 have enough eviune, is a, lie was sent for by Hounes, Budeoooh light were shortly after apprised of the The man's name is Teeter, and lie is jwho going under the dence to indict both Holmes and Quin- the matter will be settled and we will or the' single gold standard, be main- presence of at that time wasasked w'ho were the West was from outlaws, and lorced on if he would lan. and the case will be submitted to be very glad of It," he said. tained and perpetuated In this country? first attracted by the appearance of us to obligeVirginia, alias of Uordon, and Mr. Wilson. Now Teeter, unlculate the skeleton of a man whose the grand Jury soon." os adtne "We, xtepuulicann," says who unconsciously ESCAPED WITH HIS SCALP. exposed like all Easterners, is afraid of an Inoi Holmes, body was in the possession dress, "tavor me lurnier position and Dawes, himself to their view, whereupon a dian, and perhaps it Is a good thing lu EVIDENCE AT TORONTO. Job, and was taken by lie accepted the tne our me lutter. oppuse in judgment ensued, resulting In the death of mistrust tnein until you get unto tnelr Holmes to a room which would have one Salt American Man Lake Bsturna of oi system protection, tricks. Teeter lias pruoubly issued Traveling been dark, even In the day time. What Witnesses Will Swear to If tenets of Hie itepuuiicuu par- Dawes and Bugg. to these Bannocks, perhaps was from the ucene. lhe:jnin middle Hoimes la Extradited. Stretched out on a table In the Deputy Bherlfis Calverly and 'Wil- passes ue susis cannot and ty, iniprucilcuuie afraid to refuse, at any rate, tne enman. of a Salt Lake 2'J. liam of tne room wus the body, of survivors "lied" City, Utah, the the 27. July me the Taylor, Should tained lu Toronto, July Holmes, absence of bimetallism. tire tribe upiieurs to be up there, and The skin had been entirely removed alleged murderer Mr. Ike Hill, traveling representative .Gold monometallism and tree iraue party, were, left without ammunition, of ine Fnxel cnilureu, otner respects be having been joined by the tough bucks fiotn the face, but In all of auurocer the wno when and abandoned to must Toronto fur ine tiie ceased, firing brought go together." trial, Company, byuus of other tribes are killing game Indiscondition. the body was In good Holmes ueeri going over the borders of tne their watch to go to Wasatch and tele- criminately, unit ready to kill any one had some thorities could put in the witneea box nos Mole The articulator and wnnu or wno trourug the thirteen fourteen inutan for would persona country help. graph who lnterteres. j PROVING AN ALIBI. taking the furnish talk as to the best way ofHolmes nos ble been returned evidence yesin progress, news of hen reuehed the no war or any be But damaging will against said tragedy there body out of the house, as hun. me terday will! his scaip suil intact. Evanston volunteers quickly responded thing like une fmore's tne pity) nor do mignt be proved that on wo. he did not want the neighbors to see lth ofitOciooer, Where-bad The feature of the whole Testimony Concerning the in company with a to the call fur aid, and went at once to I believe there has been. Tne troops was finally agreed man the body removed. It should known as Mrs. Howard, Holmes thing, said he to ' a Tribune reporter, tilers. aomiut ot ms 'xayiut-the scene of the encounter, where after will get there, the braves will promptcut oif the that the articulator of tne is Into Alice Nellie Fitxel to ine lu lapsing probaillty provide broughtthat on and Carrollton, Mo., Juiy 29. in me Tay- thoroughly riddling the shanty with ly suDmlt and be taken back, to their arms, and that liolmes would non earns I 2atn tne of warfare. t the fear any and there the matter will this 'morning tue deleuxe bent bullets, practically making a sieve of reservation, for the removal of the rest of the- city;.th Holmes took tnese atria to tne. guerrilla iltllP a time. A little later the Inlyil b'nrtlflutd duglng-- t the endnsforwill ail ns energies to prove un uhul lor It they cautiously approached corpse. This was done, and the artlcuuaM'-on- met because i believe tne prtwiil That he ttcYlfifiefii tuts luuiun afreet; be off the reservation njwrrymgilwatini to go back upon his both prisoners. Juan; Builey, u years cabin and found It vacant. it cannot again, slaughtering sack. He had Just waa withotthem in that house on tne uie sagacity the with him in the of absence deputies, be otherwise game During as he lias in the past, wuen Vof age, wno lives inreq miles iroiu the date named, and they as long as Inexperienced morning reached his house and waa preparing never themavailed and had Couglln uncle bam s boys in blue have put m left the house alive. men, such as Teeter, are appointed Inunit sue George to go to bed, when he was called to ' seenToyiors House, swore selves of the cnance to escape; not, dian agents, and In connection with the disappearance their appearance, there was a time Geoige went yet there are people between s Tayiur Geoige the door by a loud knocking. He weeu looked before the threatIt last woman dead when of these known robbing who blame the whites lor taking uie pretty girls, the nock un tue uigiit ut me inurner, however, down and found Holmes and another Mrs. Howard me us to umld bottles two of let sue Dawes the all would tell people. Why, matter In their own hands. The exdeputies, knew, ening mat he was unving luwarus ms had the balance of the and tne pan. They had of her statement is tell you, there was nut & cartridge to anuj and Btagg, taking their guns and am- termination of the whole lazy, shiftless, nane. purport two In indicate would Thu cut been pieces testimony which body, now In the hands of the police authori- oe had for love nor money me uuy 1 tribe of Bannocks it was hnpossiuie for the ay lors munition, thus increusing tnelr oppor- would after the articulator had left the ties When was la bt. Anthony." she was in Toronto nut be any very great loss." tunities for turlher resistance, lu the to Save m been ruutl tue Where the house. Holmes left, after remarking was registered aa Mrs. I'oweli of she "fluid to uie redskins?" CoMiss Christiana Mease of Fort DumuiVier wus cuiumuieu on the night in case of Btagg they overlooked a rehave another Job for that he would "No; to the settlers. You see there queiuon. lumbus O.. but aha stayed with Holmes had chesne, Utah, Is in the city. W. E. A. under him. that volver partly lay me messenthe man lu a short time. a arrived as his wits night during Albert Taylor, a brother of the prisit Is believed that a shot lrom CalTrue to his word. In December he Inspector lroin me fortifications m me Big oner, PRODUCTION OF COFFER. Stark, upon Instructions ger lestiueu mat George laytur was verly either hit one of the outlaws or sent for the articulator a second time, from wmen were behind tne riule, settlers the authorities has written the at home on the night ut tne uiuruer as struck the gun In his hands us he w as at the carand upon the arrival of the latter to and in entrenched, every scooping authorities asking if they late as 9 u clock, and when he (Amen seen to stagger and drop the gun. At Over Half of Last Years Product the Philadelphia house of liolmes he was taken will consent to the extradition of tridge, was In his sadule agaln.speeding aw George he was leading tils nurses all events tne same dark room, where, on the same Holmes If a favorable InGame From Montana. The chief of the desperadoes have thus the pass. through reIs reply man had table where the body of the first to the hills takand far dian pullce confessing his inability to to the barn, awlucn he nud just gone escaped, once ceived be will taken at out papers Washington, July 29. The review of from visit, wagon. lain on the occasion of his an oUlcer will proceed to Philadel- get tue bucks back unto me reservaMm. David Gibson, George Taylor's ing with them their jaded horses, copper und copper mining for tlie year was the body of a young woman. The and was unuther bad when tion and Is sign, to bring tne prisoner here. presumed can stand no lew, made by the United States Geoalso testined that wnlch it face of this corpse had been disfigured phia that wus inude known many wives ana mother-in-lu- was home and in bed on tne great Journey. Is George at In such a manner that it was ImpossiBt. children Into Survey, hue been completed. It poured Montpelier, While there A Frenchman Missing. hope of their immedi- logical of tne murder. Bhe denied that ble to tell what she had looked like and Market Lake. The invaders mgnt says that copper muling suitered iroiu so ate the 27. that ration has desie A local capture was there Chicago, says: un paper July blood tne any Uie general when alive. wagon aepresaiuu of ine year, positively re tused to return, under tne their actions leads bull, In January, 1833, the articulator was By no means the least mysterious of claim that they had a rigat to hunt when the bodies of the Meekses were far characterized cousumpuun was In advance of many mystifying disappearances upon tue public domain at any season found In the strawsiack. Mrs. Gibson s people here to believe that other and 193, but an enlarged production could sent for a third time by Holmes, and the Holmes castle was tnat of me year. The only string upon min manner was very belligerent, anu more serious trouble may follow, en- only be inaraeteu by weans of lower in the same room on the same table from the Verrett. He was a short, heavy ut was in the clause providing mat one caused much merriment to the crowd tailing, further loss of life. lie found the body of a second young Peter prices. Uu the whole, copper mining an with set One thing Is certain, two dead men resisted tne tension better than the Frenchman, unquenchable leaving tue reservation It must be with in the courtroom. woman, from whose face all the skin drink. thirst for He to went lie at the morgue In Evanston, who other metal trades. The exports were strong a permit irom the agent. ve may suphad been removed. The articulator had the castle and to be cured of pose CHEROKEE BILLS LATEST. were yesterday full of life, and had less than in 193. and were almost enthat he suspended this rule when this body taken to his home, where he the drink habit.requested InHolmes an bad mounted Tlie prothe and to bones in his way, however, and tlie it no got whatever that their tirely of the refined metal. stripped the ebriate asylum In the castle, and of- failure to enforce It Is largely due the Young Desperado Shoots and Kills a end apprehension duction of copper for iV4 was 15. 120 skeleton. near. was half of tnis came When he called on Holmes for his fered to cure the habit. The drink cure trouble. The cmef of the;inaian police Dawes was a Grand Army man 43 tons. A little over Guard. of tne from Montana, and give It to In the castle wae run under the name soys there have been but live killed, pay the latter refused tosomewhat of leaves and widow. a Fort age, 26. years Smith, Ark., Cherokee July remainder from tne Lake Superior in of the "Silver Institute." Peter took and It wouldnt surprise me to see the Bill Him, and was, moreover, 63 years an was old on his hands Btagg got pioneer, cure. revolver aiiomer He sold he was heir to trouble clusea without another aeam. wines. other sources ot supply includon the bill for moiftitlng the the used it in an attempt to of age, with a grown family. He waa ed Arizona, 4,uuu,uuu pouuua; Colorado, two previous skeletons. The two men fortune in Toronto, Canada. Since Mr. Hill reports business very quiet liberate and man one confined a whom hived murderand prisoners in every then he bus been me heard not anu disin from. with the representa- ers' row d,jW,uuu pounus; ttouluern biutee, 2,400,-vu- o could not come to terms, and the north, of United the rela Btates a There of ilia l,lou,uou. Jail, deep fueling of Balt few Utah, Lane but very tives house! the articulator pounds; pute finally ended by attempt was a bold one, and resulted sentment against the ones wlio Tne available copper supply in 1894 skelgoing there at this time. RONAN MURDER CASE. retaining possessionhasof IttheIn third In the death of Larry Keating, the oldIs off. at iai,uoo,ooo pounds, not intheir dire placed his still he house, taking eton, and est guard on the. force. Nlgnt Guards Is Idle to presume that either of cluding stocks from previous years, the skull It and OF CLASH lie removed AUTHORITY. Tom Barker and the United btates Larry Keating had exports Jirom to the central police station, Some New Testimony at the murderera will lie taken alive. the 1XX4 brought Itnow Just gone on duty, and Turnkeys Eutt the were 1 3,000, 00U pounds, valued tor amination of Crump. Is. The articulator will Theira will be a fight to the death, where It and McConnell were Ho.oOU.OOU. over In at to Officers engaged Be Prosecuted locking l,o kept under close surveillance for Boise, Ida., July 29. Special to Trib- Wyoming up. After the break had been thrown captured alive they are almost certain The of the Survey of the prohomo days yet, as the police do not une. A special to the Statesman trom lor Killing Indians. Bolt went In to luck the cells, while to be lynched to the nearest pole that ductionreport uf zinc lu tne United Stoles llnnk lie has told all he knows about Caldwell says the examination of Matt Market Lake, Ida., July 29. It la evi- McConnell remained at the dour. When will support a cross beam. ays that the check which the steady (be murders In th.e castle. Crump on the oharge of murdering dent from tlie present Indian situation Eoff reached the cell next to Cherokee Deputies Glbba and Smith of Salt and rapid advance uf me Industry reTlia jxillce declare now that they have Thomas Itonan at Lower Boise, May that there Is danger he Bill's found arrived the Lake from ceived auof a clash of in 193 extended Into 194. The safely keyhole plugged and y. The story told was clmost positive proof that the first 13th, began while he waa trying to clean It out, search fur the renegades through tlie decline In tlie consumption ut galvnu-lze- d and field that the thority, Cl-- r, present was of Kmellne that same body mainly the already published. Cherokee BUI catne to the dour hllla cost of here. Iron, the snurp falling oU in tlie rui id, and the second that of Annie Mrs. Uonan gave In detail the circum- movements will be followed by a lively fired, shooting Keating through and the The posse under Sheriff Hardy and demand fur brasa and eiugnutiun In Williams. It Is the skull of Annie Wil- stances of her husband leaving the battle In the courts Governor Rich- stomach. He ran to the end of tne cor- Sheriff the building trade contributed to this Wright of Weber county, not result. liams that la now at the central sta- house the night of the murder and her ards of Wyoming Insists that the In- ridor and fell dead. The production of spelter durtion. . Bull ran back to the corridor on thi being able to secure a special train to ing the yeur was lu round falling to miss him until morning, lie dians will be taught that when they numbers here at 11:05 arrived In Wyoming they must obey the east side of the are Evanston, waa In on often habit of the io.uOO.uod working McCunnelL STORY. and EXPRESSMAN'S cells, THE tons, derived from the followditches until late. About the Blate laws. He objects to having the Barker and several deputy marshals Consultations were held, and It was de- ing Btates: Illinois, 29, coo short tons; Irrigating The story of the expressman Is to the only new point In her testimony was settlers of northern Wyoming har- ran In mid opened tire on Cherokee termined to leave O morning Kansas, 26,000 snort tons; Missouri, effect that he was hired by Holmes the statement of a conversation with assed and frightened by bands of In- Bill whenever he tried to leave his cell. at daybreak. Rumor haa It that while tuns; Western States, iooo short one afternoon and told not to come to Crump some time before the murder, diana Indian were officers In the consultation waa ammunition Ills Agent Teeter on the other Iatsy tons; Southern Btates, low short tuna nearly exhausted, tlie house until after nightfall. The aa Crump asked What would become of hand mode ail be agreed to sunendtr his pistol Coughlin, one of the murders, appeared The production of zinc oxide in 194 Investigation for the and kept this appointment He tlie place If anything happened to to which was was 21,442 tuna In done. Henry took a listenThe and Starr, after town, Government and asserts that the Indrink, wus given a box and a trunk by She had not attached any weight dians are lu the right, and have au- pistol with which he did the deadly ing to various condemnatory remarks Regarding manganese, the Geological Holmes end told to take then to tlie to the remark. was a new pearl-handlhla character, departed Survey report says that nearly all of In Wyoming under their work to regarding hunt thority Union depot. When he was putting ber. llow he got it Is a mystery, but Mrs. F. Btates mungunese ores arc sister of the murof 167. Hardy repudiates such state- the United Ihe box into the wngon he turned it on dered man, Gilbert, Josie Brown, his sister, who has been Sheriff lu the United Btates mangantestified in a manner Indi- treaty ment as an impnsniblllty, lint many be- oxldea cannot These differences be settled end. and was at once stopped by several here ese la and visited him almost coextensive with the that she had a suspicion that by the troops. It Is learned from a redays Holmes, who told him he was on no cating twice, has been arrested for It, and Is lieve It here. The posse with The Trib- brown hemutlte Iron ore, the connecexisted between liable source tliat there Is a to keep the box In any other Improper relations une corrcsHindent leave for Wasatch surprise In now In the county Jail. tion between them being Intimate. The and Mrs. Honan. iioeltion except lint on the side. He Crump morning. The murdered guard was very popuThis Is a sensational and mysterious store for the settlors who belluve the largest iuriion Is mined In three lohad orders to take the box and trunk case. e, to and many threats of lynching hav calities the valley of Virginia, MAJORITY FOB SILVER. man on trial once made a troops are only going that section to lar, to the depot and leave them on the end sworn The been settlers from made, the Ark. the the and Ro-ncitizens. who though Indiana protect Batesvllle, Ga., Many statement saw that he Mrs, wna thHt told of the platform, and they kill her husband. When she was It is stated that Indictments will be were terribly excited, are now becom- Free Coinage Democrats Will Con- large deposits have recently been obwould be taken cure of. lie saw only served In California and Tennessee. out against every one of the set- ing cooler. None of the prisoners left trol the Iowa Convention. one man at the depot, who seemed to arrested and the hearing came on, he wornconnected The production of the United Btates with the killing if the their cells except Bill, and he Immedi30. The JourSioux box, retracted and swore he was nut at the tlers Imj interested In the trunk and City, la., July bock Into It, and the nal's Ottumwa for 194 was 6308 long tons, valued at will ranch that night. Indians who tried to escaiie while un- ately Jumped llow snys: special and drove away. have everything In order, the Marshnlltown convention handle 353,635. der arrest. This Is In line with the rec- guards there After Humphrey had told Ills story Is much confusion among the was asked ommendation made by Indian Agent though Committee Stopped Lynchlnga. Pat Quinlan waa money question?" tv flic police the prisoners. American Sent to Parliament. Charles A. Welch, secretary of the his cell, and the two Teeter lu his officlul rcqiort of the origLondon, July 29. M. D. Conway has brought fromface Crawford alias Cherokee Goldsby, to face. The police were placed London, July 29. Dr. E. C. Thomp- inal trouble. The settlers will be put Bill, alias Gorilla, is only 19, but has State Democratic Committee. blmetal-Ist- s presented to the commit"Every Indication Is that the will not tell why tula waa done, but son, the defeated Unionist candidate on trial for taking the Indians' llvea been convicted of train robbery and You can Judge tee the report of hie recent visit to In will be control. the general opinion Is that It was done for Middle Tyrone, announces that he and In this way the One murder. murder case Is pending for America. says that he does not yourself when 1 say that of thirty doubt thatHe because Humphrey rccognlxed Quin- will petition against the return of Mr. tion of authority In Jackson'a HolequesIn the Court of the United counties the agitation of Mise Ida thus far heard from, twelve lan ns the niun at the depot. The ex' Munnaghan to Parliament, on the eventually reach a legal settlement.will Btates. Supreme and of the his killing charge free coinage Wells and the formation of an English pressman will be retained in custody ground that the latter is a naturalised la still on the ducket delegations Instructed fur ratio No mall has been received from Jack-son- 's brother-in-laof 16 to committee has had a good effect In of gold and silver at the ns n witness. American. here. week. Hole tills The Klage which 1. four counties adopt the Chicago platAmerica, the crimes having nearly disGRAVE IN TI1E HASKMENT. A once Shot. out a It 1X92; two expresa themselves week la now of form lour Bootlegger brings of appeared in some of the Southern the Investigation lq prosecuting Bulgarian Demonstration. Chctnpa, Kan., July 26. City Marshal In favor of making the campaign on States, where no suggestion Is now days overdue, and nothing has yet been the liiscmcnt of the big brick house on 27. A oceounliea demonstration twelve Sofia, Bam and Coulter It. State Issues, go heard ot the negro propensity for rape. heard from arrested J. July and Wallace streets y, Fixty-tliir- d at the cemetery at the Just before the arrival of the trnoiw Dowdull, a bootlegger, who later unliistrucled. The probabilities are, of Springs, which was called to take actlie workmen employed by the police curred ofy the men who were the of counties a executed graves resisted that e and course, qulrk-Jiiua Indian arrest, mnjority esped Lime anil defending came uiion grave. a number of runners started fur tion on the money question. Convenhod accnrn pllrhed their work, and fur the murder of M. Bultcheff. Five the Jackson's Hole country to warn himself with a knire and hatchet. The of the State will not Instruct at all, tions at llattaburg, Marshall. Llnneus, enter- aa It Is somewhat unusual In this State and their friends and Marshal shot bull then assembled, the people him, the bodies lind turned to nnllve dust, hundred were and Mexico relatives, and endeav- ing hla back. Dowdall la dying. made denouncing-- M for county conventions to Instruct the Chllllcothe, Hlgglnsvllle but there still remained sufficient evi speeches to or to get them nut of there before the State convention, but of those that go elected out and out free! silver coinage dence to make the Identification possl Stambulolf, and letters were read arrlveir. They were peaceful unlnstructed, a large majority will be advocates on the unlimited 16 to 1 ble. The loft spots In the bed of hard the same purpose. The grave of Stum-buly- lt soldlera Every man has his devilish Indians and went with the Idea that Is guarded by the mllltaiy. basis. for free coinage of silver at 18 to 1." clay were the else of human bodies, HOLMES DEATH-CHAMBE- and where the heads would have been were mats of Ions hair. One bis strand was of light color, like that of Minnie Williams, while the other was of the R. VERITABLE STRONGHOLD. Indian to-da- al to-d- to-da- y: be-lu- re ' 1 ro-d- uy cx-C- to-d- cross-examinati-on n, hurae-tnieve- ay R ay 2500-wo- rd or to-da- fu-lla- .t--.u i An-uio- ny two-tulr- ds s to-d- ay hat-cause- ht ht fe-m- to-da- 12,-uu- Itu-na- n. 41-c- Carl-osvlll- an antl-lynchl- long-moot- ed to-d- to-dn- |