Show iJ PROVING AN ALIBI M Ietb1lJ Concerning the 1 Where I olmlSrat cue juyiui oCUeib I Carrofon Jlo Juiy uimt time lay lQAtijrfi > tTmfmoinillg lira detenae bent rail us energies 10 prove uu uliul lor both prlsoneis juoie llulley iJ yeuia cot age who lives init0 miles uoin UeOibo Taylors noilbe swore mat sue nacueei1 oeoige ia > iur ULUVCIU a unU U oltiouc on me nigtit or tie miuuei unul mat lie was uuving towutus his nonJe jhid testimony WOULd indicate mat it was huiJOMaium for me luyiois lu dave been in tile Load wneie me inuijUer was commuted on the night in uuestion Albeit Taylor a other of the prisoner pris-oner testnieii mat Ueorge iayior was at nOme on tie night ot me murucr us late us U 0 clock and when he Abort saw Ueorge he was leading his horses to the bain which he hud just unhitched un-hitched nom a wugo Mrs David Glbsii George Taylors motherinlaw also testirted that Ueoige w a at home and in bed on tie night of the muider She denied that I thieve was any blood on me wagon when the bodies of the Meekses were found In the strawfatack Mrs Ulbson s manner was very belligerent anu caused much merument t the crowd in the courtroom |