Show NATIONAL SILVER PARTY Proc Coinage Leaders Agrea to Call a Convention New York July 28A dispatch to I local paper front Columbia S C says COlgreSHIUI Lntlmer of South Carolina Caro-lina Is authority for the statement that tho silver loaders have agreed to call a convention to meet nt St Louis In September for the purpose of forming 0 National Sliver party Among the names meiilloncd of those who have agreed to HIP hcheme ar3 Bland ot Missouri Mis-souri Tlllmnn of South Carolina nnd Marlon Duller of North Carolina A large number ot others have signified their assent and according to Congressman Con-gressman Latlmer an agreement has hen somewhat delayed by the kicking of Mr Bald who refused to come In at first The purpose Is to form n separate party from and Independent of the old parties and one thai will draw ns much strength ns possible from the Populist part The ball was set In motion at the Memphis convention and has been quietly pushed over since |