Show ESCAPED WITH HIS SCALP Salt Lake Traveling Man Raturns from tho ttcene Salt laku City Unih July JJ Mr Ike Hill traveling representative ol tIle hymns urocer Company who HUH ueen going over the bomeis of tile tug noli country Willie the inulan trou ole hua been III ogress returned yes tuKluy vitn ins scamp still intact a fie bad feature uf the whole thing said he to a Triuune reponei is the proballlty of Us lapsing Into guerrilla wartaie I coat lear any gjiaLhIeods1cd dullnstI leS lnt = OI hlct because 1 believe me limiun lias tile sagacity to go back upon nm res ervatlon as he has in the past wnen uncle bums boys in blue have put in their appeal ancu There wus a time last week when it looked pretty threat cuing to us timid people Why let me tell you there was not a uanrlugu to Do huu for love nor money the uay l was in fc > t Anthony Sold to tile redsKins 1 No to ihu settlers You see there had urrlveu auting mu night a mebsen gel Horn tne loruticauoiis in me nig iiole behind wmcn tne settlers were entrenched ana scooping in every cur tildge was in his sudule ugulnspeedmg through the pass The chief of the Indian In-dian police confessing his inability to get the bucks back onto tile reseivu lion wus another bad sign and when that was made Known muny wives ana children poured into Mont jt 1 er St An tnony und juatket Lake The invaderS positively let used to leturn under the claim that they had a rlgnt to hunt upon tie puuiiu domain Ut any season 01 tne yell Tne only string upon mm was In the clause piovidlng tnut one caving tile reservation It must le with ti permit trout the agent We may suppose sup-pose that he suspended this rule when it got In his way however and to the tuimie to enforce It Is laigely due the trouble The chief of the Lnalan police says there have been but two killed and It wouldnt surprise me to see tlit trouble closea without another ueath Mr Hill leports business very quiet In the north anu with thu repiesenta llvcs of but very few bait LaM houses going there at this time |