Show MILLIKEN ARRESTED Charged With HouseBreakiug and Attempted Rape Memphis Tenn July Benjamin II Mlllikeii private secretary t Semi tor harris 01 Tennessee I member of n prominent Tennessee family and well known In newspaper circles in tills city was arrested at LaGrange Tenn today to-day by United States Marshal Elllotl of Memphis on an Indictment lecently found by the distrIct grand Jury al Washington D C charging him with housebieaking and altumpted rape Mlllikeii was brought to this city and released on 0000 bonds Mllllkcn appeared nt La Grange July 9th staying with frIends In that city On the evening of July 4th last MIDI ken went to time house of exUnlteo States SolicitorGeneral Phillips ui Washington to call upon the latter two daughters Ho acted atmn el tWI aughtell strangely It Is said and the young ladles thinking he was under the Influence ot liquor refused fused to receive him Soon after midnight mid-night the household was aroused by screams from the young ladles who had been awakened by the fumes of chloroform and the presence of a mal in their room Mlllikcn was recognized as he escaped from the house The mater was reported to the grand Jury and an Indictment was found |