Show ARE THE CHURCHES DYING Not a little has been written In secular secu-lar Journals and magazines during the past few months concerning the allowed failure of the churches to reach the masses In the cities and the people In the country districts A paper called The Christian Alliance has recently made the statement that there are u thousand unoccupied church edlllces In New England where no services are held and there are very many impoi nnt towns and villages without any pastor or organized church > The Watchman of Boston challenges The Alliance to furnish proof of this assertion which In Its own opinion is absolutely false The Lutheran Observer Ob-server also denies the statement t mat the pulpit Is In a condition of de n dence The country churches In W England have undoubtedly suffered it admits from the large emigrations to the Western States and some have c tually died out but It goes on to sty Over against these admitted fa its careful statistics show that the gen rat or aggregate attendance of persons at the various services of the churches is greater now In proportion to population than formerly notwithstanding the fact that some pulpits do not draw crow sIn s-In respect to the fast that many churches In New England are dying out we present unother fact that more than ten times as siiiy new churches are built In other parts of the country as are dying out In New England Captain Cap-tain McCabe has reported that on an average two new Methodist churches are built and delcated on every day of the year The Baptists no doubt build nearly as many the Presbyterians Presbyter-ians I and the Lutherans each build at least one new church every day the Episcopalians and all the other denominations denom-inations delcate about two thousand more annually so that while a few hundred churches may be dying out in New England ten times as many new congregations are organized and churches built in other parts of the country |