Show r SALT LAKEBS HARD LUCK r Shipwrecked Drowned Then Eaton by His Companions f It Is now an established fact says the Salt Sake Trlbnno of July SI thut Sam MnBtcrson n former saloonkcejpr of lion after being uhlpxvrecketl and drowned In Bering sea In April JWI was burled after reaching slioro und then taken from his grave and eaten by the mirvlvora When Jlastcrson shipped on the 111 fated vessel he jumped from the fry liur pan Into thu lire Ills Idea Will supposedly to rid himself of his divorced di-vorced wife It was In the fall of 1893 that Mae teison and his wife had somu trouble In this city Masterson It Is alleged battered his better half over the heaa with u beer bottle and as a Krand Ilnale threw her out of the house She retaliated by brlnul B a suit for divorce which went by default and In lime the mailtal bonds were severed by the judicial snickersnee After renaming her freedom however how-ever Mrs Alasteison apparently didnt know what to do with It und she bet heroically to work to win back Muster Hurts love This attempt upon her part was to a certain extent a failure although al-though she and Masterson were often Keen together subseluent to the granting grant-ing of the divorce In December 18UJ Masterson went to San Francisco presumably for the purpose pur-pose of getting rid of his divorced wife but In February 1891 Mrs Mas teison followed him and It was understood under-stood that they again resumed theIr former relations On April 15 1891 Masterson asai gave his wife the slip by shipping tiom Bun Francisco on the James Allen u whaling vessel On May 11th the yes hel was wrecked LT Uerliiff Hea Tte crew escaped la boats but a number of them Masterson among others I were washed overboard Master jon was rescued but died before reaching nhore lie was burled upon a barren beach but a few days later the survivors sur-vivors driven to desperation by the pangs of hunger exhumed the body and ate It The news of her former husband tragic fate Is said to havo completely a prostrated Mrs Masterson and it is not known by her friends in this city whether or not she Is still alive The last time that Masterson was prominently before tho Salt Lake pub AnnietPrLake attempted liewas In11892before lndle lic was In 1892 when Annie Prlndlo attempted I at-tempted to perforate his anatomy with a revolver in a house on Commercial street In confirmation of the story The Tribune received the following telegram tele-gram yesterday from A J Johnson formerly of this city now of San Francisco Fran-cisco Masterson shipped April 15 1894 on tho whaler James Allen Vessel wrecked in Bering sea May llth Crew escaped in boats but a number were washed overboard Masterson among them He was rescued but died before reaching shore Was burled on the beach and two days later was dug up and eaten by tho survivors |