Show MASTER OR SLAVE There is nil the difference In the world Between being muster or slave And thIs dliturence is manliest in every phase of hue unit In every spncre UI power Lvery man hus nerves bu unu limn controls > his nerves und w e HpeuK o C him uumlnngiy as u man 01 liervu while unolher luau is controile uy his nerves and he speak uc inn pityingly ns u nervous man In the eaU case me man Is master In tie other case the man Is u slave it Is II good thing lor a man to have a strong temper und to control it It is a very bud tiling tor a strong temper to hate u mint and to control htm A man II worth little lit ordinary iue whu nag no uppcilie ana a man uno has ms uppe ute in LOiuiol Is master oc It for uin dent service but a mun who is u slave LU tale uppcllte hus neither huppinrbs nor power lie Is despised us the mos object ot his race The choice is Ijeiotx us In uou H piovldence lo ue muster or siave And we are responsible 101 our choice uhe SundayScnool Alma |