Show VICTIMIZED NEGROES Deceived and Shamefully Treated by the Colonization Agents Stricken by I Scourge and Many Die St Louis July 28A special to the Republic from Ciudad torflro Diaz Mexico says Ono hundred and soventy negro colonists arrived here this morning morn-Ing from Mexico In boxcars Quarantine Quaran-tine Olllcer Evans has Isolated them In pmauMJhm4fldJ rcrethewttimu held until all danger Is past Consul Sparks has wired for more rations as several hundred more are expected to arrive of the 700 who passed through Torreon last February to make their Fortunes through the aid of 1 colonization coloniza-tion company Nearly 400 of them starved half naked and diseased have been camped for the past few days lear Torreon Such a miserable hungry liatefootcd lot would be hard to find They tell 1 pitiful story of deception They were assured the place was nn a ralhjad a good house to live In five acres of land to cultivate their own vegetables etc plenty of game and nil were given a blank contract which was to guarantee guaran-tee them half the crop of sixty acres which each was to take care uf lifty In cotton and ten in corn After their arrival ar-rival they vainly tried to sot ho contracts con-tracts signed but It seems the ccn tracts were never signed or fulfilled The houses were miserable adobes The water was vile and killed a irat many with a species of malaria nnvl swelling of the limbs The death rtte averaged live a week and they claim tu arly a hundred died there owIng to the water and lack of medicine and medical at tention Finally the negroes were told that the company said they the negroes had no Interest in the crop but that the company would pay them G cents a day This was done for about two weeks when It was cut to 37 Cntn a day I they were sick they received nothing and It what they say is true many are crying for something to pat The manager about this time It Is alleged al-leged told them the company had broken brok-en his contract and he iould do nothing noth-ing and advised them to Bit This afvcr planting and raising one ot the finest crops of cotton ever grown In the Sate of Durango Then they left Many of them In order to do this had to sell their personal effects betiding furniture etc They wore received with sympathy by the population o Torreon and the flick were attended to and tho hungry fed while there Many could havo rocured work but for the unfortunate nppearance of who scourge sourge The patlentB are all mining vc11 and an expected to recover mail the Mexican Mexi-can International Railway Is hauling them free to Ihls place 1 Is estimated that there are about 100 more at Ta huahullo and twentyfive nt Maplml station awaiting transfer |