Show I MAJORITY FOR SILVER Free Coinage Democrats Will Control Con-trol theIowa Convention Sioux City la July 30The Journals Jour-nals Ottumwa special Buys How will the Maishalltown convention handle the money question f was asked Charles A Welch secretary of the State Democratic Committee Kvery indication Is that the bimetal Istu will be In contiol You can Judge fOI yourself when I say that of thirty counties thus far heard from twelve delegations Instructed for free coinage of gold and silver at tho ratio of 16 to I f itir counties adopt the Chicago platform plat-form of 1S92 two express themselves In favor of making the campaign on State Issues and twelve counties go unlnstructed The probabilities are of course that a majority of the counties of tho State will not Instruct at all as It Is somewhat unusual this State for county conventions to Instruct the State convention but of those that go uninstructed n large majority will be for free coinage ot silver at 16 to 1 i |