Show CRIME OF A CLNTURY THE EMMANUEL CHURCH PLAY STOPPED BY OFFICERS JIaiinger nnd Perfovmoro Arrested for Disobeying tho Court No More Jurors for the Dunnut Trial San Fianclsco July 29Time principal princi-pal leaturu In the Duiiunt ease loday was the defendant 1 application for I jUdicial older to prevent the pioductton of a play called The Crime of I Century Cen-tury based on the Emmanuel Church muidera Thu prisoner alleges that the performance adirllsed lor tonight would Inflame popular feeling against him The prosecution Joined with the defense In 1 request for a restraining order which was granted Tho work of securing 1 Jury proceeds slowly Of thirty examined today none was accepted Few are challenged for believing In the prisoners guilt Time majority are excused for their unwillingness ingness to accept as convincing circumstantial circum-stantial evidence Charles H Clnilc who It Is believed will be I most Important witness In favor of Durrani Is I one ot the beal known commercial tiaveleis on the Coast He foimerly represented sonic local firms but for several yenis past has been In the employ of Eastern busl ncki houses At one time ho made his headquarters In Portland Ho has not been employed for about beel 1 year Clark bought a ticket for Boston on July tith and loft this city the next day Tile last heard of him was nt Ogden Ho wrote I postal to his wife from that city Durranis nltorney may have heard from him since then Clark Is popular among his acqualnl ances and all of his friends say they do not believe he would swear to any thing that was not absolutely true They say however that he like many men in his lino of business Is given to romancing and can manufacture entertaining en-tertaining stories with great facility The production of the play entliled The Crime of n Century which was placed on the stage at the Alcazar Theater tonight was stopped in tie middle of the third act Just at the point when Uu Ibis the character who is supposed to Impersonate Durrani was about to drag I young woman to the belfry ot a church Sheriff Whelan and live deputies marched on the stage and arrested the performers eleven in nil The manager of time theater was also placed under arrest Tho manager stepped before the curtain cur-tain ali made a speech in which he claimed he had I right to produce the play but he was taken Into custody nevertheless for disobeying the order ot Judge Murphy restraining him from pulling tie piece on the stage All jave bal in the sum of 1000 each and were released A great crowd attended Intervals the performance which was hissed at |