Show ANOTHER STARTLING THEORY Did Holmes Murder Minnie Wil hamss Brother at Denver Chicago July 27 William Capps the Fort Worth lea attorney who is heru in behalf of Iho heirs oc tho Williams sisters advanced u rather startling theory today wnlch I found to ba true will fled atioiner victim to the large list ol murders already credited to ilolmes According to iir Capps Minnie K Williams hud u brother named Horace A Williams In Denver hits OUIG man either died or was killed suuueniy in May or June 18W shortly betoru the supposed murder of the Williams sisters The manner of his dcatn In not known to the attorney but ho says that he has ascertained that the young man was Insured for iliolM In favor of his sister Minnie This act Mr Capps considers to be decidedly decided-ly peculiar as he says that It is not reasonable to suppose that Horace Wll hums would Insure Ills lite In lavor of I sister who was already wealthy He said thai his Investigations upon this point were in an Incomplete state but irom what he had learned he was of the opinion thai Holmes lad first insured in-sured the young Ian and then been instrumental In causing his death |