Show t = THE HINTH BAH CONTEST The Silver Champion is Besting Wall Streets Attorney BllverProduccia Hnvo Not Assisted in the Free Coliinga Campaign Stiver Will Rnlso tho Working limits Wages and Only the Selfish Favor a Dear Dollm It Waa Harveys Day Chicago July 21The last day but tn ole uf the HnnoyHorr silver contention conten-tion began this afternoon Hurl opened with 1 comparison of Wlfltea and cost of wntea eOlt production trom 1SGO to Istu o ns shown In a table nrepaied by Statistician Can oil D ftullteinn Curlil Wright Wan Wugt and I a tu 18CO taken as I huiIs or lUu IK showed thut in ICJU pilous Well UH wiqjts lilt and tne purchasing pur-chasing power of MagtH itJ Ilorr pro uotdeu tu aigue lhu ft no lime in the history of tie Ration was U nenilyns J pioniLiuuB I I it I wnii ut this I lime I In upltf of the crime of t J lie siibmlt icd that Ills slullbtlcB Were luoie nppll t cinblc to the condtllons unuir discussion then those of Air Sauerbeck quoted by Mnrviy on Thursday lUr bauor liook I furus were maGe on the prices of Lnglan 1 llHitty In turn took up the prices ot whoat lor a series of jtars in reply to llorrs statement on Jhuisdny that the farmer received as much for his produce In gold us he received before silver was demonetized For answer he quoltd the pilcs from year to year lie declared the aiKUments of Horr were those used in till time to bulwark tyianuy The Declaration of Independ CJLO was I proper answer to such ar Kumeius 1 Ito pioper Index of prices uus to ineanuio them In articles of International In-ternational uses iables made up by tiLe gold men even on these articles showed 1S50 thai they were lower than In 1S50Uefcrrlng to Horrs argument touching touch-ing the measure of value In human toll Harvey quoted from an article by liorr in a New York paper in reply to 0 correspondent who suggested making mak-ing so much work the equivalent of I dollar liorr declared the proposition absurd and confusing HoRn ABUSIVE Mr Horr said that Mr Harxey had only quoted a brief extract of his and ulu not give the sense of tie article iliu coneiponuent replied that ho did not want gold or sliver money but merely paper baseu on nothing It another form of the socialistic wal only Ilother bclal istic craze and Mr Harvey would LOIIIB to that In the end His disease Imu not reached Its worst stage I would cOle to socialism and anarchIsm anarch-Ism In the end Mr Harveys friends In tho audience broke cut In dlhsent at this statement and Mr llun cy declared that not all w a-ll lu had uttered would justify It Mr ilorr declaied that the omy applause ap-plause which his opponent had secured uom his trlends in the audience was when he denounced a large vaiL of the people of tie country us scoundrels and asset ted that tie country was going go-ing to the dogs air herr tlien took up the question of hands which Mr ifarvey on u lormer occasion had denounced He admitted thai there weie corrupt bankers bank-ers but the business of banking us I carried on was the outgrowth ot civi lisation and banks were a blessing l hey made It possible tor a gold uollar to do twenty times as much as It could lo had UJ000UOO uo otherwise Ho seen 1UOVOVo of business settled In three hours In Lime Jsew oilc clearlnthousei and less man tie 6 per cent was aone Inmoney I r ll I Lull llel necessary t toulu atfthfs r money It would have taken an army I uf men and many long days of work PER CAPITA AND FAILURES Mr Harvey replying presented a k j table of figures showing the failures In tie country for 1 series of years Ho jointed out tHat during the war when the circulating medium amounted to jw per capita failures had been re tucud t I minimum As the circulating circulat-ing medium decreased failures In eased Hie Nation owed it to Itself this amount of bank to net lid of great amoult 01 cult and tubstilule money ion It The Interest IL the millions of debts to the IKHKB were the equivalent of the amount of the annual failures Mr Halley then proceeded to quote fIgure us to the nuinDur and mileage 01 railroads In the hans of receivers tilt comparative Increase of tenant lurmers over owning farmers In IdsiO and over 18t > 0 as shown by the census leturiiE and the great percentage of nomeuepeis who are renters not own ens ensALr Ilorr said that he would admit that I the quantity of gOld in thu world had not increased as last us the business busi-ness of the world but It was not neces btry One hundred uollarti would now uo more than J20UO would lormeily Ninetylive per cent of the business WEU dune without the use of gold except ex-cept as a sianuard of measure He 1 luutrated the case by citing u stream on wmcn there was an oldfashioned null Let other modern mills be con iniucted along tins stream and by IUIIIR the same water the output would tu uisuy Increased Mr liurvey replyIng made another application of the coinpailson of the Kiiium lo mOIl Suppobe he said tljtt mIls had been built along the suutm and Its machinery adapted toil to-il Ihen buppose thai suddenly one liulf of iho How uf that stream would 11 l cut oh how would It affect the nilU Suppose again that certain llI jcisona hhould divert the water of this Silronm storo It In great reservoirs und dilute tit mlllH f toll lor Its use That would U > a parallel CUM to that of the relation of the people and the banks at present SUICIDES AND CHIME Ur Harvey resuming his statistics KUVK Injures showing the number uf lYonilciaes In tile United States from 163 to lojl the number of suicides the nurnbar of convicts in prison etc He uttriuutea these to the uutreused waged and the Increasing value of money Ho tulil he pointed out Mieso things because be-cause they Indicated a national dls OI I disease threatening the life of the Hcpublle It was necessary to lion iKtly dlairnoHO the disease In older to apply Uiu lemcdy Al Republics had alien I Ironi tho canto causes When Uity I rcauitd a point where the control of the necegailes of life fell Into the JmmlH of titmull men 1 monarchy had lKcome logical all necessary Mr HOI said that the panic of 1893 WhOI effects Mr Harvey had dilated on bitS chlelly due to I fear on the imrt of limo people ot this country of I return to tlu silver standard Mr Hitrvoy ahl Mr liorr had laid the crucifixion or the Savior nt the door of the > money power among the He liruwfl kite record showed that the Savior was betrayed by Judas thu only sliver man among hue twelve vlio Insisted on 1 ratio of 30 to 1 AI fo the diversion of half of tim water from the stream Mr Horr snl > l that If he other half furnished all of tho water wa-ter needed the mills would not bo affected af-fected at all Mr Huivfy replying said that un 1r the bunk credit system we had al tvavs had panics and wo always would inure them The panic of Ib03 was not due to I change in the coinage but to the hall credit system In answer to Mr Horns statement that thc great mass of the debts of he I nation were shorttime debts and therefore not contracted before the passage of the demonetization bill Mr Hirvty quoted from the Hankers MaRKlne gnawing an aggregate In a half dozen of the large longtime debts uf S1900000J Mr Harvey said This debate IB coming to I close virtually today because be-cause on Monday I shall upeak exclusively exclu-sively upon the Independent action of the United States CAUSI OP FALLING IlncHS Mr Harvey denied Mr Burrs assertion asser-tion that falling prices were the result ot Improved facilities Mr Harvey said It Is thu supply produced and the demand i de-mand for 11 that regulates alt price ot mulch products Suppose I widow own log a farm receives the voluntary assistance as-sistance ot her neighbors to raise nnd harvest her wheal crop Will her wheat be worth any less than the price fixed by tho quantity of wheal In exist once known to the traders and the 1te Imowl trnlerR es nnt timated demand for It I all the corn crop In the United States wore destroyed destroy-ed ercept the crop In Iowa would the Iowa corn price be governed by the coat of production or the relative supply sup-ply 1 an demand for corn lime > cost of production his nothing to co vUh i it A man may produce an ounce of gold for ten cents tint Is I worth 20 The fact that It cost him ten rents docs not nake It worth less than 20 A PLKTHORA OF MONEY Mr Horr Mr llarvey Is inyetlfled because he takes it for granted that the business of a country nltrely de petals upon the amount per capita of the circulating medium Ho Insists that If you shrink that you ruin the uuslntss In tho country There are I hat go lumber of men who believe that loetiiiK but no more transparent humbug was ever taught the people of this or any other country Money is a plethora in this country today There ire hundreds of millions of dollars ly lug Idle simply because there Is nobody no-body to use It Did ypu know that Why my friend Harvey and all you men who talk that way as usual get the carl before the horse I Is not abundance of money that makes business busi-ness active It Is business that makes money active In this world of ours Applause And until you can comprehend compre-hend that point Brother Harvey you will never understand this financial question at all Laughter Mr Horr explained that the sun clcncy or lack of sulllclency of bankIng bank-Ing facilities had much to do with tho question at the necessIty of a large or small per capita circulation This country has 1 per capita of 2002 Canada Can-ada has 1 per capita but Canada has an elegant banking system no better on the lace of the earth than the Canadian Can-adian system of ullllzlng banks Switzerland Swit-zerland one of the most prosperous lit tie Nations on the face of this globe has only 1448 The ratio of money to the population proves nothing What we need In the United States Is good wages for work steady employment for our men and we have got money enough to do twice the business we are doing Applause Mr HarveyAt the conclusion of this debate Mr Horr and I have 2500 words each at our disposal to write at our leisure within seven days after the debate de-bate to sum up the debate and anything any-thing In Mr Horrs arguments that I do not reply to today I will a tel to In thntsummary because there Is only 1 short time left to us and I walt to answer some maters that have been Introduced into this debate at the ear ller stages I want to speak a few moments mo-ments on tho proposition that wages have Increased ORGANIZED LABOR AND WAGES Speaking of organized labor Mr Harvey said Organizations sustain wages for those actually employed while engaged at work but when you average the wages by Including the unemployed wale Include IhoJexpense and tuna Ja It dots not do so Make tho calculation this wav and you will find that the gold uasls has measuied Itself In wages with Snathemallcal accuracy This condlllon Is not healthy It Is not good for the country It breeds strife I creates loss to Industry and labor 11 destroys manhood It makes criminals The cause for It should be removed Applause The labor organizations or-ganizations will continue and have aright a-right to continue as long as money is organized as long as monopolies are organized Applause But we should have 1 civilization that would make It unnecessary for any organizations of that character to exist In Europe wages have been forced down to the legitimate level of the gold standard The bayonet has been used to do it Later it will do It here The Interest of the laboring man Is on our side We will hold his wages up without with-out strikes or the expense of strikes As the gold of California and Australia raised his wages so will the silver of our mountains as It pours Into our metallic money stock as primary money raise his wages There will be work for all and the strife for labor will cease The man who now has work or 1 situation and selfishly reasons rea-sons that he benefits himself by maintaining main-taining a dear dollar Is neither broad nor humane He Is assisting In wrecking wreck-Ing his country and it may be too late to remedy the error when he too Is without employment Applause THE PULLMAN INCREASE Mr Harvey asked If tho public were not deceived about wages being Increased In-creased Referring to the reported 10 per cent advance In wages n Pullman affecting 4000 mel conceded by the without demand b the company by toll ers Mr Harvey said the facts are that there his been no advance made In wages at Pullman and that Mr Pullman man himself admits that there was no advance made and what they ment was that they had given the men that were at work about 10 per cent more work to do They had previously been working only aftlme Applause Mr Harvey read a letter trom Thomas Thom-as I Kldd general secretary of the Machine Woodworkers International Union > saying J clothes and food embraced em-braced all the necessities of the laboring labor-ing people tho dollar would unquestionably unques-tionably bo o greater value to tljum than over but they do not and what tho laborer may pave by cheaper clothes anil food Is moll thfV oftpet by Increased rent alone When nil things are considered tile real value of the dollar Is no greater now than In 1665 trouble that labor will One tlou 1 now recognize recog-nize In the United States IB that 11 If on account ac-count of tho depressed condition of nf fairs laborer lire lot working full time The unions have succeeded In holding up tho prlco per diem hut tho men arc not working more than pay onehalf the time which In making l receiving thai much less In dollars that they nru LAND TENANCY SYSTEM Speaking of tenancy Mr Harvey paid Twenty million acres of land in the United States today Is owned by English titled nobility and time English Eng-lish land tenancy has to that extent been already Introduced Into this country coun-try In the Slate of Illinois there Is u i ounty by the name of Logan that has a county seat by the name pf Lincoln and you can delve for miles through that county on your way to that con pi ty iieat nml Imvu on both Bides of you one of Lord Scullys POBSBSHIOIIH with tho IrlBh thatched pottages over wih land ApplniiMe Mr IbmI have traveled extensive ly very extensively through tilrtyono States of this Union aIl I never yet saw I single farm nor had my mitten lon called to one that was owned by people living outside of the United > MT C 4 = States Thero are some but they are very few INTEREST OF MINE OWNERS Mr Harvey Bald The proposition Is made by the gold standard men that all of our efforts for the restointlon of silver are for the Interm of stlverbul lon owneit I is 1 nut tint in our Btiuggle to lestolv I a xulllilent voluina of pilmnry money In the country We have tinned our uttentlon to silver to right the wrong thai wan commuted and to lestore to the people that which II the peoples money Irrespective of who Ole that property Ve do not object to gold because the gold minors produce It and the arguments that Iho nenllenuin makes about silver producers produ-cers could be made with time same force about the gold producers but I want to make another answer to It I want to say to you that the silver producers have not assisted In running this campaign cam-paign Applause I they were assisting as-sisting any one it is reasonable to suppose sup-pose they had assisted IHP I began my w ark in May 1S93 by publishing a weekly paper and commenced bring ing out books in December 1893 > 1 became be-came chairman of the blmetallio executive ex-ecutive committee of this State In tie summer of 180S My committed ap pealed personally and by letter to about nil the silver mine owners In the Vest for donations to astilsl us Wo did nol receive a nt At one time I sent out fort > four letters to selected names of as many prominent silver mine owners who welt auppored to be wealthy such mel as Motriatt and Shear of Colorado and Chill of Mon tunaand did not receive I cent from them not even enough to pay the postajc on the letters nol even the courtesy of a reply except from one At the time I brought out Coins Financial Fin-ancial School I was in debt and had no mOle left PRESENTATION TO MR HORn In closing the debate for the day Mr Harvey handed Mr Ibm as a souvenir sou-venir a silver dollar of 1709 with the word unit upon I Mr Harvey said Take it Mr Horr Washington < may have carried It in his pocket Jefferson may at one time have had It In his possession pos-session It may have paid for the paper on which the declaration of war was written In 1812 against Great Britain It may have been fondled by Jackson when writing his message to Congress against the National banks Natonal all < R Ap plause I Is I lit souvenir for any American proud of his country and Its institutions to carry in his pocket all the days of his life Passing dollar to Mr Horr Applause Shouts ofhur rah and continued applause Mr Horn smllingI shall keep this dollar and put it to a good use I in tend to have f hole bored through it and then I will hang It around the neck of my little grandchild born Just after wo commenced this discussion Ap plause I will do Brother Harvey good to learn thai the people of the United States are still In spite of the gold standard marrying and giving In marriage and that children are still born to us In spite of the silver dollar Laughter and applause 1 Adjourned till Monday at 1 p m 1I 1 I |