Show THE DE LAMAR PROPERTY Superintendent Plummer Tells of tho Great Producer Captain J W Plummer sperlntend omit of the Do Lamar Mining Company limited has been in the city for several sev-eral days on business connected with his great mine The company of which ho is the manager purchased all the mines represented in the Dc Lamar claims near Silver City Ida In 1890 and formed an organization with 1 capital of 2000000 The property Is now payUig 20 per cent a year on this rtiJiiBijgT investment and Is one of best producers In the country The ore rurcs CO per cent gold and 40 per cent silver and the body of It seems practicably practi-cably inexhaustible The company is continually doing a vast amount of development de-velopment work and much of their great sesslons have been unpros pected 4o the present time |