Show CHEROKEE BILLS LATEST Vouug Desperado Shoots and Kills a Guard Fort Smith Ark July 26Cherokee Bill got his hands on unomer revolver today and used it in I an attempt to liberate prisoners confined in muidei ers row of the United States jail ills attempt was I bold one and resulted in the death of Larry Keating the oldest old-est guard on thefoice Nlgnt Guards Tom Parker and Larry Ken tlng hall just gone on duty and Turnkeys Kolt and McConnell were engaged In locking up After the break had been tin own Koff ent In to lock the cells while McConnell remained at the door When Eoff reached the cull next to Cherokee IJllls he found the keyhole plugged and willIe he was trying to clean It out Cherokee Hill came to the door and llred shooting Keating through the stomach He run to tho end of the corridor cor-ridor und fell dead Lolt run back to tile corridor on tlu east side of the cells and McConnell Parker and several deputy marshals nm In and opened lire on Cheiokee 13111 whenever he tried to leave his cell His ammunition was nearly exhausted and he agreed to suriemtr his pistol to Henry Stair which was done The pistol with which he did the deadly work was a new pearlhandled ilcall her How he got it Is a mysteiy but Joslc Hrown his sister who has been hero several days mid visited him twice has been arrested for I and Is now In the county jail The murdered guard was very popular popu-lar and many threats of lynching have been made though the citizen who were terribly excited are now becoming becom-ing cooler None of the prisoners left their cells except Bill and he Immediately l Immedi-ately Jumped back Into I and the guards have everything In order though there Is much contusion among the prlsoneis mnong Crawford Goldsby alias Cherokee Bill alias Goillla Is only 13 but has teen convicted of train robbery and murder One murder case Is pending In the Supreme Court of the United States and the charge of killing hla brotherh here law Is still on the docket A Bootlegger Shot Chetopa Inn July 2GClty Marshal Sam Coulter today arrested J T Dowdlll I bootlegger who later escaped es-caped and resisted arrest defending himself with a knife and hatchet The Marshal then shot him the ball entering enter-ing his back Dow ul Is dying |