Show 1 I Lot Him Learn by Exporlenc A child between a year and a half und four years old Is not tho helpless creature he is usually thought 10 be even though he be city bred when putdown put-down In the midst of the woods and rocks All tho primitive wood instincts alI xtraordlnurlly alert In thu young child and will keep him safe moro sue ciMMfully than wilt the shrieks and pto hlbltlons of the most watchful nurse Caution needs no Jogging In a young child Let him quite alone and he T7111 mILk good use of U A toddler of two when going over a narrow ledge will If let atone take to all fours though perhaps he never had a bad full In his life A young child Is no more going to rush out ot himself upon the rocks and Incontinently full on Into the water wa-ter than Is a young puppy A child left to himself will accomplish trips through woods and among stumps In safety that he could never have accomplished ac-complished If confused by the constant yells nnd warnings of a solicitous parent par-ent As a matter of fact the child in the woods by instinct knows more than the parent does Let him alone He will not take a step without testing It Let him learn iron the things themselves Don confuse him by shouted commands Nature will teach without terrorizing you will hardly do so well Ordinary tumbles wont seriously se-riously hurt him nnd he will understand under-stand the meaning of that sort of teaching The average parent who screams at her child Dont go trire you will kill yourself Inspires tie child with a superstitious fright of the place Indicated Indi-cated und If It be a rock he becomes afraid of the rock Itself Instead ol afraid of the danger of fulling off tin rock Like as not he gets a confused Idea that If he does go near the rocK It will bite otf his nose Some day he will tscapo the parents vigilance anti elated with the sense of disobedience and the discovery that the rock does not bite off his nose he vl approach the situation disarmed of the caution that would havo Inspired him had he been left to find out for himself Then ten to one he does fall off and very likely breaks his little head which serves the parent right but Is hard on the child A child on the seashore for the first lime will probably walk right Into the water and probably every woman within with-in reach will shriek dash for him haul him out and probably scare him Into Ills Why not let him alone To get his feet wet wont kill him and more than likely he will stop In a very few steps stand still and gravely consider con-sider the situation Maybe then he will stoop down satisfy himself with an Investigating palm that It Is water and then back out Then the lesson Is learned nnd the parent may be from that tlnie relieved of anxiety Let him alone Just stand by to see that the tumble that teaches Is not too severe or that the venturesome little pilgrim does not try too much at once but let him try |