Show The Parts That Do Not Grow Old In his work on the senile heart Dr Balfour tells us says the Medical Times New York July that there ate two parts of the human organism which If I wisely used largely escape senile failure These two are the brain and the heart Persons who think have often wondered why brainworkers great statesmen and others should continue con-tinue to work with almost unimpaired activity and energy up to a period when most of the organs ana function of the body are In a condition of advanced ad-vanced senile decay There Is a phy slologlc reason for this and Dr Balfour Bal-four tells us what It Is The normal brain he alllrms remains vigorous to the last and that because Its nutrition Is cspeclally provided for About middle mid-dle life or a little later the general arteries of the body begin to lose their elasticity and to slowly but surely dilate l di-late They become therefore much less efficient carriers of the nutrient I blood to the capillary areas But this Is not the case with the Internal caio I tt tileLictasare ththe thRs Lictasare tlds ° t vntcTlS > ifpli75r > tYie wrpini < Y7tma 1o of the brain On the contrary those large vessels continue to retain their pristine elactlclty so that the bloo pressure remains normally higher than within the capillary area of any other organ In the body The cerebral blood paths being thus kept open the brain tissue Is kept better nourished than the other tissues of the body Who Is there among those who have reached or passed middle age that will not be rejoiced re-joiced to find such admirable physlolo glcal warrant for the belief that the brain may continue to work and even to Improve almost to the very las hour of life |