Show r T < l AFTER UTAH TRAFFIC May Be Lively Times as a Fe suit Utah Roads Would Not Join in Reductions Re-ductions from the Const to Other Utah Points Now Rates from the Knot to Ogden MetControl of tho O R NOut Rates to tho Orient San Francisco July 8Tho Southern South-ern Paclllo Company has become Involved In-volved In an Interesting tquabblo with I the Eastern roads doing business In Utah Territory A few weeks ago Iho Eastern lines reduced their freight rates on a long line of commodities I from Eastern points to Utah To protect i I pro-tect Its own interests and Incidentally tho Intoiesta ot local producers and munufactuieis ii tu > have to compolo I with the Eastern snippets In the Utah I territory the Southern Paolilo put In a reduced tariff on such commodities un are manufactured or produced In California fornia and limit I market In that teril tory This Jailer tariff welt into effect on June 27lh flue lines In Utah viz the Rio Grande Western Union Pacific nut Utah Central Railway objected to the Soulhern Pacific Companys rales anti I nolllled General Freight Agent C F 1 Smurr that they would not Join In them This left the Southern Puclllo without a line east of Ogden which was willing to Join In the reduced tariff and I lelt Smurr no other alternative but to wllhdiaw time objecllonnblo tariff An order has accordingly been Issued canceling can-celing the objectionable tarilf but accompanying ac-companying It Is I new tat ill tu take Iho place ui tile one canceled it fixes reduced riles on all the commodllles over which the present contest was stnrtud but tIim rates only apply t Ogden the end of thu companys line In Utah Beyond that point thc old tariff of August 0 ISJI and tutu succeeding suc-ceeding amendments up to the ono which has been Ordered canceled will apply I Thu new reduced tariff will take effect ef-fect August lit and tho cancullitllon of the objectionable tariff Issued lust month takes effect at tho close of business busi-ness on July list The reductions In the new tariff are calculnled to meet the rates issued by the Eastein lines Inlo Ogden Time freight department olllclals in the general ofllco ot the Southern Pacific do nbt propose to allow al-low the Eastern lines Iq monopolize the big business afforded by supplying the fected Ulah market with the commodities af |