Show STRONG RESEMBLANCES RESEMBLANCE-S nomnrUublo tjto 10 Discovered In Kuoi County III Tho scientists of Victoria Knox county Ill ore considerably excited over tho discovery of a strangely formed stone This relic is now owned by SIt S-It Russell a merchant of Victoria and quite a collector of relics Mr Russell says that tho relic was found in the bed of a creek in his township and he is firm in his opinion that the stono is the petrified head of a man The material is rather soft but the resemblance is remarkable re-markable Others wero inclined to scoff until finally to decide the controversy con-troversy the stone was forwarded to q 1nnrdt t t A a fir t dyl 1 1 i A 8THONO RESItMDLANCE President John 11 Finley of Knox college col-lege with the request that ho call the attention of Prof Starr of tho Chicago university to the relic when the professor pro-fessor next visited Galesburg to deliver his university extension lecture In this letter Mr Russell eloquently dilates on tho expression of tho left eye on tho clearness of tho cheek muscles and on tho fact that when first discovered traces of vertebra were visible vis-ible on tho back of the neck lIe added also tis a circumstance in proof of the genuineness of the petrifaction that a petrified foot inclosed in a petrified moccasin was found near the place where the head was picked up Prof Starr who is a learned enthnologist and Is curator of the museum of the Chicago Chi-cago university examined the relic with great interest Ho pronounced tho resemblance very remarkable but concluded that it was not a mans head but was simply tho result of natures operations Lie stono is about tight inches long and five wide Mr Riibscl Is not yet convinced but wrltos that though geologists nay differ lit Is I I I more firmly convinced than ever that tho head is a petrifaction I |