Show WHY CHILDREN LIE For the same reason we now learn that the bublen smile In their sleep because their stomuchM ure out of order or-der or because some other physical function Is Improperly performed Nathan Oppenlelm M D discusses tho subject In a rather technical way Popular Science Monthly July and sums up his conclusions us follows We constantly see children who Ho habitually and usually for no recognized recog-nized reason This habit Is commonly looked upon ns un Indication of spontaneous spon-taneous ylciousness In the majority of cases this opinion has no basis In fact The children usually are suffering from disorders of mind or body or both which radically Interfere wth tho transmission of conceptions and perceptions per-ceptions from the Internal to the exter nal pi ceASeS ut expression so that they arc really unable to be more exact ex-act than they seem usually these po cullarltles are either neglected or cause severe punishments to bo Inflicted with the natural result that lhey are confirmed con-firmed and added to by various unfavorable unfa-vorable characteristics of cruelty re vcnge slyness and actual deceit Lying Ly-Ing does not necessarily mean viciousness vicious-ness nor Is truth to be regarded meiv Iy as a saving means of grace On the contrary many a child may ho led to forgot the lie Dimply 1 by being placed III proper physical and mental environments environ-ments EDUCATION AND CRIME Since 1S70 the number of children In English schools has Increased from 1 GOOUUO to 5000000 and thoi number of persona In English prisons has fallen from 12000 to DOOO The yearly average of persons sentenced to penal scrvllud for aggravated crimes has decrease from fjUO to 800 while juvenile offenders offend-ers have fallen from 14000 to 5000 Some enthusiastic believers In the theory that us education Is enlarged crime Is I decreased Insist that the smaller percentage per-centage Is due to the greater percentage of persons who have enjoyed the benefit bene-fit of the Instruction imparted In the schools The experience on one side of the English channel however is curiously at variance with the experience on the other sjde In France the criminal sta tlstlcs and the statements of the magic trutes show that as schools have been opened prisons have been tilled and that the diffusion of education has been accompanied apparently with un increase In-crease of crime especially Juvenile crime Keeping children In school ought appaiently to some extent keei them from the commission of putty or fenses by lessening opportunity but If 1 this be the case the same effect should be prodced in France as In England A French journal offers the explana tlon that In France as under the republic re-public education Is simply intellectual Instruction while In England there Is I not only Instruction but training moral mor-al and religious influences arc brought to bear upon the minds of the young There Is not much soundness In Victor Vic-tor Hugos contention that when you build a schoolhouse you close the door of a jail The people of no other country coun-try spend more money for education than the people of the United States but crime has more than kept pac with Instruction and It Is worth our while to consider whether this result may not be in some measure due to the quality of the teaching |