Show OHIO DEMOCRATS SPLIT ExGovernor Campbell Leads the Sound Money Bolters Hamilton O July 27Tiie Democracy Democra-cy of Hutler county met today to select delegates On account of the war between be-tween the factions thero was a split One faction adjourned to he court house with exGovernor Campbell as presiding otllcer The other faction remained re-mained In the opera house with A S Andrews as chairman Time excitement was Intense and for a time pandemonium pande-monium reigned supreme The courthouse convention elected James 13 Campbell and laul J Sorge delegatesatlarge to the State convention conven-tion The regular convention selected I Gray Peter Schwab David Pierce John F Ncllan Christian Uennlnehof fen E F lung of Mlddleton amid A J I Demoret Campbells convention rep I rtftrtitn Bound money and AndrcwtiB convention free sliver 1 |