Show Salt Lake City April 1893 To Whom It May Concern 1 hte Hue cesafully tried the Eagle Tobacco Habit Cure of Salt Lake City For Ilfteen year I smoked cigars pipe und cigarettes and was a habitual smoKer being firmly held In the soothing clutches of that potent enemy to mankind Tobacco 1 began talc log this treatment on tho eighth ot Fob ruary of the present year and Inside of a week I was entirely cured of the habit und had no desire to smoke 1 can cheerfully cheer-fully recommend this cure and believe honestly that It will cure any case of tobacco to-bacco nablt providing the patient doe as directed A C KKIiNCH Denver Rio Grande Express Agent Salt Lake City A Bonanza For Pupils The Now Stnto Commercial College J Frank Ryan principal Ul to 051 Ea 2nd South ht Salt Lake City opened since January 1st Is tin limiiulto destined to surpass all others In tho West B 50U per iiionill entitles u pupil tothor oughly llrstclass Instruction in any or all of tho following bliortluuiU lOru ham or Iltiuuu systems Typewriting Bookkeeping Penmanship lllghe JMuihomutlcs Academic Course bra tlonery books otc roqulrcd for Bookkeeping 1cnniansnlp and Short hand furnlstied at a cost not to exceed 5uc to SiJO per month Latin Ureek Gorman French Spanish Span-ish Drawing and Architecture isuu per monthbooks amid materials not Included Shorthand Bookkeeping and Iunmat ship thoroughly taught by mullfur 5 h5 payable whim course Is completed Correspondence solicited |